So many things in my life have gone awry.

My life is a series of things that just happen.

My life is spontaneous and things just kind of happen.

Concentration is one of the happiest things in my life.

I've had some incredibly triumphal things happen in my life.

Prateik means symbol so I symbolise certain things in my life.

The two most painful things in my life are arthritis and divorce.

I like to write about things that don't reflect exactly on my life.

When I retired from tennis I wanted to do other things with my life.

I've been strong and determined all my life about many things I've wanted.

The main goal in my life is to make extraordinary things out of the ordinary.

I decided with 'Savage Season' to use a lot of things in my life as the basis.

A lot of things in my life changed, but I'm still a party animal. I'm leading the pack.

I'm going to move on and do other things. My life isn't going to be about Jar Jar Binks.

I like things going on in my life. I don't want to be on a beach somewhere just relaxing.

'Singin' in the Rain' and childbirth are two of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life.

For much of my life there was no place where the things I wanted to investigate were of interest to anyone.

Having Zoe saved my life. It was my wake-up call. There were so many things I didn't want to pass on to her.

I've usually found that the greatest rewards in my life come from taking on things that are a little bit scary.

I have a lot of lovely things in my life that I wasn't able to have before I got healed from my imbalanced life.

If I studied all my life, I couldn't think up half the number of funny things passed in one session of congress.

I think a lot of the things in my life that I become most passionate about, and most excited about, are all from comics.

All of the things that have happened in my life have been self-propelled. I can't blame anybody else or point a finger at anybody.

I say no to a lot of things that just don't fit my life. I involve my kids in what I'm struggling with so they don't compete with it.

I wrote my first books when I was single and then I got married and then had a kid and there were different things happening in my life.

My biggest problem in my life is I'm cheap and I didn't hire a publicist. In every awkward interview, normally actors get these things scripted.

I found that when I did something for the sake of heaven, heaven happened. These things changed my life. I owe them to my encounter with Christianity.

I'm not going to take too much credit for what's happened in my life. When we're playing, the things I do are because of my teammates. So I'm not going to take too much credit.

My shyness probably defined the first 30 years of my life, really. It's a crippling thing. It can be very lonely knowing that you've got things to say, but you daren't say them.

I loved the domesticity of my life as a struggling actor. When I wasn't going to auditions, I could do things like cook dishes from scratch and take them to parties or be really thoughtful about birthdays and anniversaries.

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