People should always have something which they prefer to life.

People complain about not having a social life and always working. But I enjoy working.

People always seem to be interested in my private life because I'm married to a pop star.

People have always pitied spinsters. We have been derided, as if we had missed out on life.

When people complain of life, it is almost always because they have asked impossible things of it.

I think back to the old people I knew when I was growing up, and they always seemed larger than life.

There's no perfect life. There's always something going on behind the curtain that people don't know about.

I always thought the point was to have a bigger life, to meet more people. So I don't understand Hollywood.

People always say life is short. I've never been convinced of that - mine seems to have a tendency to go on and on.

One room is always enough for one person. Two rooms is not enough for two people. That is one of the conundrums in life.

My whole life, I've always had to be surrounded by creative things. I find it relaxing to be in touch with creations by other people.

One of the things about acting is you can always use your life. You have to recall how you are and how people are and how you relate.

People who get through life dependent on other people's possessions are always the first to lecture you on how little possessions count.

Everyone has their own mission in life and what they've got to do. You can't knock them for it. There's always a lot going in people's lives.

Everyone has their own mission in life and what they've got to do. You can't knock them for it. There's always a lot going on in people's lives.

I always want to talk about real life, not about material possessions. I've got to tell the story of the people for the people and not for celebrity or fame.

We're always experiencing joy or sadness. But there are lots of people who've closed down. And there are times in one's life when one has to close down just to regroup.

When you go along in life and develop whatever notoriety you do, people begin to relate to you differently, and I'm just always most comfortable with the people I grew up with.

In terms of people that I know, my grandmother and my mother are huge influences on my writing life because they are both massively supportive and always have been of my career.

I've struggled with gender norms my whole life, always feeling like I wasn't black-and-white; I was in this gray area, and gray areas really scare people because you can't define them.

You have a number of choices. You could continue to always fight against people who are really distractions. They're people in the cheap seats of life. Or you can do what you went there to do.

People always make that mistake when they talk about theatre - the notion of the 'theatrical' meaning something separate from life. If it doesn't relate to life, it doesn't relate to anything.

Anchors are those people in your life who remind you of who you are - your values, aspirations, and worth - even when you forget. Keep them close and always let them know how much they mean to you.

I've always wanted people to know who they are from the inside. Then they can create the life they desire and deserve. I've always believed that my job was to facilitate the evolution of the human consciousness.

In the twentieth century one of the most personal relationships to have developed is that of the person and the state. It's become a fact of life that governments have become very intimate with people, most always to their detriment.

Powerful people are always in charge. You have to acknowledge that and deal with it as a reality. They're not devils. They're not monsters. They're human beings, like us, that have their share of insecurities and fears. You have to contemplate that as you go through life.

I think life is always dangerous. Some people get afraid of it. Some people don't go forward. But some people, if they want to achieve their goal, they have to go. They have to move... We have seen the barbaric situation of the 21st century in Swat. So why should I be afraid now?

Life coaching, the mental and physical well-being of footballers, is going to be really important. I don't mean necessarily in a deep psychological way. But they're surrounded by a lot of people. Important people, seemingly. Not always. But important in their worlds. They're mini companies.

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