As much as I didn't want to change, lifestyles do change.

America is about choices, including those to live certain lifestyles.

I just don't feel much interested in the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Encouraging children to live healthy lifestyles is something I take very seriously.

With fewer resources to share around more people, how can the poor have improved lifestyles?

I like to say that it never rains on 'Lifestyles.' There is no bad news. It's a very up show.

The diets and lifestyles in many other countries are much healthier than in the United States.

Me, as a human, I never want to take away another human being's choices or lifestyles or anything.

A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns.

As individuals, we are so different in our personalities, lifestyles, how we grew up, and our culture.

Teaching young people about healthy lifestyles should include a conversation about cancer risk factors.

I was lucky to move around different cultures at an early age and have experience of different lifestyles.

Liberal idiocy surrounds us all. It threatens to destroy the values and lifestyles that millions of us cherish.

Practically everything from hairstyles to lifestyles is endorsed as some sort of drug to be taken Now for Instant Relief.

It's easy for people to grow up in our society believing that certain lifestyles are risk free when they certainly are not.

Americans are changing right before our eyes. They are choosing different lifestyles, families, traditions and ways of living.

The fact that healthier lifestyles and advances in medicine mean that we are living longer is actually something to be celebrated.

The pictures I take are not regular selfies. I give people a sneak peek into culture and lifestyles and experiences from around the world.

We have so many different lives outside of the WWE, it's cool that people get to see all the different lifestyles and struggles we all have.

I don't want to sit by the edge, like some other guys who have played their game. Earned money, have nice lifestyles, and don't say anything.

In Kurdistan, there's a lot of hardship - a lot of wars, a lot of bitter and difficult lifestyles. And witnessing all those made me a director.

Artists often have mental health issues. And their lifestyles are unstable because of all the travelling and the media commentary on their lives.

I was in my early 20s and open to alternative lifestyles. I thought, 'I bet you get a lot of attractive, interesting women in a vegetarian co-op.'

I know that people hate me. And I know I'm just a hack journalist and what we do on 'Lifestyles' isn't what you would call television brain surgery.

The deceptive, glossy media images of faces, bodies and social lifestyles, make us hate ourselves so we will buy a solution to love ourselves once again.

As people's lifestyles have improved, they've become more and more sensitive toward animals. It's becoming a universal value, like Western classical music.

Promoting healthy lifestyles and encouraging fitness are so important for our children's development and reducing the nation's epidemic of childhood obesity.

However, it may occur that we will find ourselves using a variety of fuel sources to give us the energy we need support our lifestyles and boost our economy.

The idea for 'Lifestyles' began to take shape in my mind as I became more and more frustrated with the type of celebrity interviews I was doing for television.

Clearly, America's dysfunctional food culture must bear some of the blame for our excess pounds, but it's likely our walking-averse lifestyles contribute as well.

I write for myself, and I write for my friends and people who I have a connection with. I try to give some dignity to peoples' lifestyles that tend to be ignored.

I see my friends who have superstar lifestyles, and it's great to have hundreds of millions of dollars, but at the same time, it's a sacrifice of your own sanity.

My parents were journalists and friends with writers, artists, and just a really interesting assortment of people, so I was exposed to all lifestyles from a young age.

For too long executive officials, businesspeople and hangers-on have enjoyed this private casino, using the payments into Fifa's account to fund their lavish lifestyles.

Our personal consumer choices have ecological, social, and spiritual consequences. It is time to re-examine some of our deeply held notions that underlie our lifestyles.

I was not aware of alopecia before 'Gone Kesh,' and when I heard the synopsis, read the script, I realized how ignorant we are about people's lifestyles and their issues.

Beguiling voices in the world cry out for 'alternative lifestyles' for women. They maintain that some women are better suited for careers than for marriage and motherhood.

In the past, I've tried to show the human side of people involved in stigmatised or misunderstood lifestyles. I've tried to resist easy judgments and not pander to prejudices.

I am falsely accused, without proof, of using my position for personal profit. Many who accuse me have lifestyles and spending habits that make them walking proofs of that crime.

But you know the second month I was here I put out a healthy lifestyles directive. The pundits will say it was because we were sued. Well that's what they say. It was never about that.

It makes me furious to hear haters of all skin colors - especially Christian, Jewish, and Muslim fundamentalists - deride other people because of their different beliefs and lifestyles.

We're all different ages, sizes, shapes, genders, and we all have different lifestyles. We're quickly moving to bespoke diets that enable tailored and informed nutritional food choices.

A society that thinks the choice between ways of living is just a choice between equally eligible 'lifestyles' turns universities into academic cafeterias offering junk food for the mind.

Individuals will achieve healthier lifestyles when prevention and wellness programs are accessible and available in their workplace, through their health provider, and in their communities.

It's pretty obvious that Western lifestyles which rely on gigantic amounts of electricity use up far more resources than a subsistence-based life. A little more poverty would be a good thing.

I developed the pilot for 'Entertainment Tonight' with Jack Haley, Jr. and Al Masini, who became my business partner in 'Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous,' 'Runaway' and several other shows and specials.

There are tons of people who are late to trends by nature and adopt a trend after it's no longer in fashion. They exist in mutual funds. They exist in clothes. They exist in cars. They exist in lifestyles.

In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, products and tastes developed in America have increasingly influenced lifestyles in Europe, whereas in previous centuries, it was generally the other way around.

Americans are gathering the courage to just say no. We are saying no to addictive consumer lifestyles. We are saying no to wars and corporate takeover and the IMF loans that gobble up people and their resources.

Don't blame the police for having to deal aggressively due to underclass dysfunctional lifestyles brought on by failed liberal Democrat policies that keep blacks mired in a position of living life at the bottom.

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