Night is a world lit by itself.

Miami is always super, duper lit.

Hope is patience with the lamp lit.

I expect a cigar.....not lit, hopefully

I need the lightness of children's lit.

He smiled, and it lit up his whole face.

I don't think my first book was chick lit.

Yep, I often lit the barbie with old drafts.

The Heart is like a candle, longing to be lit!

Essentially what photography is is life lit up.

I got my own tour bus and every show has been lit.

Blue oblivion, largely lit, smiled and smiled at me.

Everybody is a candle, true. But not everybody is lit.

To me, no matter where I perform, it's going to be lit.

I don't think I'm vain... but I do like to be lit well.

No one can look bad when you've been lit for six hours.

Chick lit was amazing, and I was thrilled to be part of it.

Religion is ethics heightened, enkindled, lit up by feeling

How can anybody be enlightened? Truth is after all so poorly lit

The candle of liberty has always been kept lit by a vigilant few.

I know the lands are lit, with all the autumn blaze of Goldenrod.

In the cathedral of my heart a candle will always be lit for you.

Poetry is either language lit up by life or life lit up by language

Now that this torch is lit, we do not have time to dilly dally around.

Anything Drake drops is timeless. It's always timeless, it's always lit.

I started a MySpace teen lit discussion group and invited people to join.

Many have forged a path to greatness lit only by a vision in their minds.

Civilization - a heap of rubble scavenged by scrawny English Lit. vultures.

Without inspiration, we’re all like a box of matches that will never be lit.

Brilliantly lit from stem to stern, she looked like a sagging birthday cake.

As one candle is lit from the flame of another, so is faith kindled by faith.

Donald Trump is perfectly made up. He's perfectly coiffed. He's perfectly lit.

In this league, you'll have a good week on defense and the next week get lit up.

When a happy person comes into the room, it is as if another candle has been lit.

I will walk out on a scene if it's all lit and ready to go but it's not happening.

There is no such thing as an artist - only the world, lit or unlit, as the world allows.

The lamps are going out all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.

If faces were different when lit from above or below -- what was a face? What was anything?

Ukraine is a tinderbox, and the fuse is lit. There is no solution through violence in Ukraine.

Women's writing was coming along fine until feminists came along and turned it into Women's Lit.

Without a home must the soldier go, a changeful wanderer, and can warm himself at no home-lit hearth.

Most movies are too brightly lit. I think that may come from a lot of directors having watched too much TV.

I lit up the Middle East when I lit up the world in the 1990s and gave people here something to be proud of.

Leaders should lead as far as they can and then vanish. Their ashes should not choke the fire they have lit.

I've loved music always, and my music fire was lit by Elvis Presley, really, and all that was happening back then.

That night was a dark day. Of course, all nights are dark days, because night is simply a badly lit version of day.

When Elizabeth II was crowned - the sixth female monarch since the Norman conquest - the world lit up in her favour.

A thousand candles can be lit from one candle, however the life of the original candle is not shortened in the least.

Sometimes I was like Beavis and Butt-head growing up. I know people who lit their friend's house on fire accidentally.

We live in far too permissive a society. Never before has pornography been this rampant. And those films are so badly lit!

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