Something once lost will never return

Chess is so deep, I simply feel lost.

The human condition: lost in thought.

We only know how to lose and be lost.

It is not lost time to wait upon God!

The Pentagon's lost entire countries.

The lost unicorn is in our presence!!

I lost the person I intended to keep.

I lost my head/when I found my heart.

Battles are lost or won in 15 minutes

I feel I lost my innocence to cancer.

A good impression is lost so quickly.

Walking with her man, Lost in a dream

Everything that is not given is lost.

Lost my ideals in that tunnel of time.

A true servant of Mary cannot be lost.

Though lovers be lost, love shall not.

There's no such thing as a lost cause.

I'd lost count of the disappointments.

Nor in the critic let the man be lost.

I was never crippled until I lost hope.

Explorers have to be ready to die lost.

I lost 150 lbs. if you include my wife.

Honesty: The best of all the lost arts.

I never lost a friend I wanted to keep.

Follow your heart. Just don't get lost.

Having no destination, I am never lost.

This lost boy got fly without Peter Pan

Where to look if you've lost your mind?

I count him lost, who is lost to shame.

I lost everything i have, found myself.

The explorer is the person who is lost.

Democrats have simply lost the country.

I never lost money by turning a profit.

We're lost, but we're making good time.

Nobody ever lost money taking a profit.

No man ever got lost on a straight road.

Maybe we're born lost, born to persevere

Football games aren't won, they're lost.

I'm NOT lost, they just moved my street.

Some things were better lost than found.

In quarreling, the truth is always lost.

I know if I'm lost in the moment or not.

Learning without thought is labour lost.

A man only has a soul to be won or lost.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Remember that lost time does not return.

Life is about recapturing lost freedoms.

Lost is just another word for exploring.

Time is a storm in which we are all lost.

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