Food can be mean to me, but I love it anyway.

For me, personally, I love delicious food when I'm stressed.

Your words are my food, your breath my wine. You are everything to me.

I love watching people enjoying food. It's very relaxing for me to cook.

I think I love Montreal more than Montreal loves me... I love the food there.

For me, I love Portland. I love the food scene, I love the vibe, the environment.

Chennai has always been special to me. I love the food here and people are so warm.

To be around me, you must love food, or I'm the most obnoxious person you've ever met.

If you're like me, food is a medium for communication. It's an expression of love and affection.

No, I love Montreal... I think I love Montreal more than Montreal loves me... I love the food there.

The two things that I require for anyone who's around me: you need to love food, and you need to be able to laugh.

Wherever I go, I am Italian. The way I talk, the way I eat, the way femininity is important to me. The way I love Italian food.

How I show love has always been through food. That, for me, has been the foundation of how I express gratitude for anybody around me.

For me, I love the flavors of Southern food, and people usually think of Southern food as heavy and fattening, but it doesn't have to be.

I just love France, I love French people, I love the French language, I love French food. I love their mentality. I just feel like it's me. I'm very French.

I love food, all food, everything about food. I enjoy going to the market and having what's in front of me - what's fresh, seasonal - tell me what I'm cooking.

I love to cook comfort food. I'll make fish and vegetables or meat and vegetables and potatoes or rice. The ritual of it is fun for me, and the creativity of it.

My ideal night would probably be a dope outfit, people that I love around me. Go to get some dinner, have some amazing food. Maybe sushi or Italian: I love both.

I love apple sauce. I have an addiction - I don't know what it is, but I just love the texture of it. It reminds me of baby food. Not that I like to eat baby food.

I definitely love kimchi. The biggest influence that eating so much Korean food growing up had on me was that I have no limit for spiciness. The hotter the better.

My grandmother Dora taught me how to cook. She's from a small town in West Virginia called Milton. I would pull a stool up to her kitchen counter after school. My love of food started there.

My grandfather gave me inspiration to cook, and love food and flavors. My Aunt Raffie, gave me creativity and the inspiration to create new things. My mother inspires me to find simplicity in food.

Food can be very transformational, and it can be more than just about a dish. That's what happened to me when I first went to France. I fell in love. And if you fall in love, well, then everything is easy.

I love everything about food; if you took it away you would be depriving me of one of my greatest pleasures. I love the whole process of it - buying it, cooking it, eating it, talking about it, talking over it.

People often ask what my favourite food is, but the answer depends on what I last ate. I love sausages and mash. But if I'd already eaten them for lunch, then you asked me at tea-time, I'd probably answer 'crab salad.'

When it comes to romance, I'm really simple. I am really a 'dinner and a movie' type of person, and I love food, so surprise me and order something different or adventurous when it comes to food, and I'm like a kid at Halloween.

I definitely live to eat. I love food in every way imaginable, and it does not have to be fancy. Whether we stay in or go out, I like a hardy meal. My grandmother taught me how to cook, and it was all about no fuss and lots of it.

I love oatmeal. To me, it's not boring. I agree that ordinary oatmeal is very boring, but not the steel-cut Irish kind - the kind that pops in your mouth when you bite into it in little glorious bursts like a sort of gummy champagne.

I love food, so having a lot of food allergies now and just having a really sensitive body, it forces me to be very mindful and conscious and eat when I'm hungry, not just when I'm bored, and just really slow down. Everything in moderation.

I'm tempted by everything. My husband makes fun of me because every day it's a new food that I love. I have a weakness for butterscotch pudding, ice cream in any flavor and dark chocolate, although that's one thing I do keep in my house - 70% dark chocolate.

I try to be as healthy as possible. But the problem for me is that I'm a huge foodie. I mean, I'm literally passionate about food. I love trying new restaurants, new cuisine. It just makes me really happy. So it's very difficult for me to eat completely healthy.

For me, I love food. It's my greatest pleasure and also the thing that could ruin you as well. It's one of those things where, if you're not thoughtful about it, it could be unhealthy. But if there's a mindfulness about it; it actually is a wonderful tool of emotional expression.

I like to take a day off and enjoy fast food for what it is. I have to say that in New York, I'm really partial about taco trucks. I mean, I really can't handle it. There is something about catching all those ingredients piled on top of each other: it puts me in a tizzy. I love it. I'm kind of a taco truck junkie.

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