Ireland is home. And I'd love to move home. That's always been the plan.

Ohio is my home, always. I'm a homegirl. Ohio is my home. Ohio is my first love.

I'll always be a Brit abroad, and I love London so much, but New York is my home.

It's no secret that I love the country, and Japan has always felt like a second home to me.

I love Ireland. I'll always be 100pc Irish. I get really excited when I go to Sligo; it's my home.

Fighting on home soil is always a dream come true, and I'd love to unify the title here in Australia.

I always love going back to Los Angeles, because it was my home for 24 years, and I have many friends there.

I love the European tour. I always have. But my home is the United States. That's where I would rather play.

N.Y. is like second home to me. I love that city. I have lived there for a couple of years and it's always a pleasure to go back there.

I'm lively when I perform and I always put everything into a show, but when I get home I love lying down in front of the TV and relaxing.

I use the products I endorse. For instance, I always carry the new Lakme Lip Love that I launched, and if you come home, there is one on my bedside table, too.

As a driver, it's very important to feel at home and feel that the team wants you. I've always felt at McLaren it was pretty much love at first sight since we started talking.

D.C. is where I started. That's home for me. I always love coming back to the area. They treat me so well, and people show up. They're excited and claim me as their own. I love it.

I'm always happy and most at home on the stage. I love film and television, but I love live performance... your immediacy with the audience, it makes all the difference in the world.

We were brothers off the field, but there was no love lost on it. We fought like cats and dogs. Wes was always trying to strike me out, and meantime, I was always trying to hit a home run off him.

Detroit has always been a rock and roll audience for me and picked up on me and my performances long before a lot of other places in the country. I will never forget that. It's a home away from home. I love it.

I grew up in North Carolina, and they have a soft drink called Sun Drop. I love the diet version of it. It's the greatest thing on the face of the earth. I always have it in my fridge - bus fridge and home fridge.

I love to fight. Keeping me at home without a fight is the same to offer candy to a kid and then take it away. That's why I'm always competing in other martial arts. That keeps me motivated to train and helps me learn even more.

This joyfulness that I felt when I sang, and this need to communicate with people, these are my two strongest points. I've always been a people person. I love people; I like to be with people, and when I got on stage, I was home free.

No matter what, I always make it home for Christmas. I love to go to my Tennessee Mountain Home and invite all of my nieces and nephews and their spouses and kids and do what we all like to do - eat, laugh, trade presents and just enjoy each other... and sometimes I even dress up like Santa Claus!

Every demo I do has a mandolin or resonator on it - some element of the bluegrass or classic country world that I grew up listening to and that first drew me in. And then I always try to find somewhere for a bluesy guitar sound, because that's also what I love. Musically, I'm always finding my way home.

I'm a lot more productive in an actual office. I love being around our other editors, and going there every day alleviates some of the guilt that I think many self-employed people feel when you know you could always be working from your laptop at home. I feel so relaxed there, while completely engaged and inspired.

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