Let me be crystal clear: I love doing television.

Nothing is stopping me from doing what I love to do.

I just love doing sitcoms. I'd be in them till I was gray if they'd have me.

I love how me deciding to not continue doing 'LA Ink' turns into being 'cancelled.'

I love doing six versions of any joke, so if they'll give me six takes, I'd love to do it.

I can't imagine anything more worthwhile than doing what I most love. And they pay me for it.

Doing my Broadway show '700 Sundays' reminded me how much I love working in front of an audience.

I mean, for me, the reason I ride my bike and race is because I love doing it, not because I'm seeking recognition for it.

I love doing things quietly. I love being with friends. I love my parents and my brother Guglielmo. They are essentials to me.

Guys ask me, don't I get burned out? How can you get burned out doing something you love? I ask you, have you ever got tired of kissing a pretty girl?

I love artists like Jon B, but I don't wanna be compared to anybody. I'm just doing my interpretation of rnb and how someone like me should be doing it.

It's very natural for me to sing in English and have a tabla in an arrangement, to have hip-hop beats but sing in Tamil. It's very niche but I love doing it.

I love documenting. Having these videos forever is priceless to me, so I think I will be doing it forever, but who knows if YouTube is gonna be around forever.

I'd love to be in another film, but they haven't asked me. I think it's a shame but the prospects of me doing another one now are remote. Please do campaign on my behalf.

I love doing different things where, for a little while, I can focus on standup then sketch writing, then performing, then directing a video. That, to me, is stimulating.

Children often ask me, they say, 'Well, how do you become a fighter pilot, or how do you become an astronaut, or...?' And I say, 'Love what you're doing and do it very well.'

The tale of 'Point Break' is about doing what you love and committing to what you love. It's relevant to me as a Venezuelan, to you as an American, to any Chinese person watching the film.

I love my regular job playing with Alice Cooper, I love doing my solo stuff, I love doing guest spots and guest tours. So I just love to play, and I'll play with anybody that'll have me, just about.

I love wrestling, and I think there was something in me that needed to come out, and I was very fortunate to allow it to come out in the WWE and make a living doing that, and I enjoyed every second of that.

I liked stuff like 'Halloween,' but I wasn't a horror fanatic until I was in my 30s and then made 'Paranormal Activity.' Now, having a company, I can't imagine doing anything else. But it took me a while to find my love for it.

I loved when the superhero genre crosses with horror. Morbius. Those are the guys I gravitated towards. Blade. So for me, to be interested in doing a superhero movie, it would need to be on the dark side or a Jack Kirby property. Kamandi, Demon, Mr. Miracle - I love any Kirby.

I'm at least getting my foot in the door as far as doing straight dramatic parts, which no one would have ever considered me for in the '80s. I never objected to that because I love doing comedy, and I'm not the kind of actor that insists that unless you're doing a serious dramatic role, you're not acting.

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