People out west love country music.

I love interpreting other people's music.

New Orleans just embraces people who love music.

I love going on tour and playing music for people.

I love people. I love being in a band. I love making music.

I love the fact that young people are into rock 'n' roll music.

Napster works because people who love music share and participate.

Most people can't see beauty and love. I see our music as medicine.

I just want people to feel what I feel when I hear music that I love.

I love live music and I love to see people's faces when I'm performing.

I like challenging people. I love pop music that can just throw you off.

If people like your music, you can't guarantee they're going to love you.

Some people ask why we bother to make new music, but we still love doing it.

I love music, and that is what I care for, and that is what I deliver for people.

I'm making music for the people. If y'all love the music, y'all gonna buy the music.

People love music, but they also love the lifestyle and glam that comes along with it.

Classical music has been based on works people love and come back to for aural comfort.

I like to cook and have wine and listen to music and just chill with people that I love.

If you really love music, people can tell if you love music. You have to just stick with it.

I love everything about Delhi, mostly the fact that people here never fail to react to music.

I love Broadway. And, I listen to country music, which I think a lot of people find surprising.

Music is universal too. Even deaf people like to dance, love rhythm, and can kind of pick it up.

People will always need love, romance, a tender touch, and really personal and deeply felt music.

Keep doing what you do, and people that enjoy what you do are gonna buy your music and love on you.

People that love this form of music have loved it from way back - Sabbath, Zeppelin, the early days.

I'm always asking friends what new music they're into, and I love showing people new talented artists.

I love music as a whole. Country music, hip-hop. I just like people being passionate with what they love to do.

People love gospel music. It's calming. It's soothing. It gets right to the point of whatever you're dealing with.

Odisha people are very musical. Our music industry has got many talented artists from Odisha. They love music a lot.

1921' is a fantastic love story about people who are studying music. It has a fair leaning towards classic love story.

Years ago, I went to Brazil and fell in love with it. I really like the music, samba, bossa nova, the language and the people.

I just love, love going around and traveling and bringing the music to people. They just make you feel so happy that you came.

I love playing in Germany. I love playing anywhere where people are going to enjoy the music. Germany is especially nice to play.

Music - opera particularly - is a process which is endurable or successful only if it is achieved by people who love to collaborate.

There's a new hit rock group or singer every five minutes, but with country music, you have one hit and those people love you forever.

It's quite difficult to figure out a common thread among us all as we're five very different people who love different types of music.

I'm touching people, helping people, and I'm making music I love. I like to think a lot of other black queer artists feel that way too.

I joke to people in the press that I realize I'm not black, I'm actually white. But I've got these roots in black American music. I love it.

Since I was a kid, I always felt the need to share the music I love with as many people as possible, and DJing seemed like the perfect outlet.

People who love R&B will love my music, people who love rock will love my music. It's soulful, it's pop. It's a sound that relates to everyone.

People in Mumbai are not really into Punjabi music, whereas those in Delhi and Gurgaon love Punjabi numbers and are totally into the peppy music.

I love the outdoor festival feeling. When I'm on stage, it's very gratifying to watch people on the lawns enjoying the music with a glass of wine.

I'm sure that in my last birth, I lived in Chennai because I feel a strong connection with the place and people - because of the music and love I receive here.

In the Navy, you're around a lot of people from different parts of the country. They've got different accents, different upbringings. I learned to love country-western music.

Kids love Lady Gaga because she's a freak, and she's one of the few people doing that, but unfortunately, Lady Gaga hasn't got the tunes. She's not David Bowie or Roxy Music.

I love that there's this tradition of being able to discuss the heaviest topics and the gnarliest stuff that goes down in people's lives in traditional Southern American music.

First of all, I want people to understand that I'm here to create for them. To create music for people so they'll know that I'm a source of love. And they can depend on my name.

The biggest compliments I've heard about 'That Metal Show' are the ones from people that say that they don't even listen to this kind of music, but, 'We love watching the show.'

One of the things I love about music and making beats is making something and watching someone's reaction, knowing you can do something to manipulate the way people move or act.

A lot of the music that I really love, and a lot of my favourite music and a lot of my favourite things and a lot of my favourite people, these can be experienced on many levels.

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