I feel like I deserve to be loved because I've learned to love myself.

In modeling, I had to learn to like myself, to love myself, to feel comfortable.

I feel like I'm always talking about myself, and I love not talking about myself.

I feel like when I was an adolescent, and felt so unworthy of love and so empty, I moved outside of myself.

I love hospitality, and I love cooking. The kitchen is where I feel most at ease and where I feel most like myself.

The message of 'The Distance To Here' is no secret. It is a message of love and an invitation to myself and to those who want to come along to ask the big questions and not feel uncool doing it.

I have a very big conflict with the individualization of love. I feel like it's egotistical to just love one person when you can love so many of them. I feel so much love that I declare myself a lover of all.

Being pretty... I'm just confused about it. I mean, I love getting my nails done, but I also like dressing like a boy. I think I feel most myself when I'm mixing femininity and masculinity. Like, fifty-fifty.

Even as a kid, I would always imagine horrible circumstances in which I would find myself in my head, and imagine how I would feel, and act it out a bit for myself, because I was a bit of a freak like that. I love doing things like that, and I get a real buzz from it afterwards.

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