It's no secret I'm a shy person.

I love England - it's no secret.

There's no secret. Just work hard.

It's no secret that I wear a kippa.

It's no secret that Ajax is my club.

When I get married, it'll be no secret.

I had a lot of downs too, it is no secret.

It's no secret that I love the Ultimate line.

It's no secret that I love dancing and music.

It's no secret that I'm my dad's biggest fan.

I'm a laugh tart. I make no secret of that fact.

Its no secret that I've never liked tax credits.

It's no secret that I've been influenced by Chyna.

I'm a huge fur fan; it's no secret to anyone anymore.

It's no secret I was part of John Dingell's whip team.

It's no secret that the UFC doesn't promote Brazilians.

It's no secret that I'm a fan of hitting a lot of balls.

For me, it's, like, no secret that Serena is my favorite.

I love women, I always liked women - no secret about that.

It's no secret the Premier League is an interesting league.

I am an artsy girl. It's no secret that I am artsy, you know.

The No. 8 position is my favourite position. That's no secret.

There's really no secret to success. You make your own success.

I think it's obviously no secret that my buddy is Franck Ribery.

It is no secret that the Golf Foundation has had its difficulties.

It's no secret that I've been reluctant to use my name for things.

I'm not going to apologize for my success. How I live is no secret.

It's no secret that I've become known for my strong political views.

Brad Paisley has always been really great to me, and that's no secret.

I'm an emotional fighter; that's no secret. But it can be detrimental.

There is no secret orchard where ideas grow. Oh my, do I wish there were.

It's no secret that many tales of tween stardom have had unhappy endings.

The best thing an actor can bring to a role is himself - that's no secret.

It is no secret that Hillary Clinton and I disagree on a number of issues.

I didn't have the easiest time growing up; it's no secret. We were just poor.

It's no secret that the blogosphere is more vicious on women than it is on men.

That's the key - there is no secret. Just trust your teammates and play together.

It's no secret that I love to talk, but the real secret is I love to listen, too.

When Chrome launched, it was not a high point for Firefox. There's no secret about that.

Perhaps the secret to making a billion dollars in real estate is that there is no secret.

It's no secret what's going on in baseball. At least half the players are using steroids.

People say, 'What's the secret to a marriage?' There's no secret - I think you get lucky.

It's no secret that I love the country, and Japan has always felt like a second home to me.

I get more satisfaction out of comedy stuff. I'm a laugh tart. I make no secret of that fact.

There's no secret about success. Did you ever know a successful man who didn't tell you about it?

There's no secret crazy backstory. I actually suck at writing. It takes me forever to write a song.

It's no secret that I enjoyed the physical side when I was a player. I was a bumps-and-bruises man.

It's no secret - I've said this before - people have mistaken me for a P.A. on the set. On my own set.

Most of what Hawaii has to offer is no secret. Pipeline is probably the most famous wave in the world.

I used to think weight loss happens quickly, but it has taken a lot of time. There is no secret to it.

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