The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes ...

The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.

Mozart was very much an arrested adolescent.

I have a homosexual crush on most adolescents.

I was - I've always been a bit of perpetual adolescent.

I am living out my adolescent dream of travel and adventure.

I'm aiming by the time I'm fifty to stop being an adolescent.

I am not an adolescent, nor a romantic. I analyze objectively.

Anti-religious sneers are a hallmark of perpetual adolescents.

The adolescent protagonist is one of the hallmarks of American literature.

I loved my freedom as an adolescent, and I'd love to be an adolescent again.

As an adolescent, I was bitter and angry, and I definitely put up these walls.

To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent.

I've heard it said that the most dangerous animal on the planet is the adolescent male.

I really always wanted to be an adult. I didn't really like being an adolescent at all.

Today's population of adolescents and young adults is the largest in our nation's history.

As a bookish adolescent, I sopped up texts as if I were blotting paper and they were fluid.

I was a rebellious adolescent. It was the '60s. Everyone was rebellious. I hated high school.

As an adolescent, Spider-Man was what got me through tough times in terms of being a skinny kid.

I always felt that anorexia was the form of breakdown most readily available to adolescent girls.

As a teen-ager I was constantly trying to please people, which I guess is true of all adolescents.

Most poets in their youth begin in adolescent sadness. I find it more rewarding to end in gladness.

The why of why we are here is an intrigue for adolescents; the how is what must command the living.

When you look at the lyrics of 'Sometimes When We Touch,' it's really very much an adolescent song.

Even 31 sounds quite old to me, because my brain is probably still in a state of adolescent delinquency.

I didn't get at first put into a rehab facility; I got put in a adolescent psychiatric unit for my detox.

The toddler must say no in order to find out who she is. The adolescent says no to assert who she is not.

I feel like when I was an adolescent, and felt so unworthy of love and so empty, I moved outside of myself.

Adolescents are still children in that they can't yet tell the difference between make believe and fiction.

There aren't a lot of films about adolescents or quote-unquote coming-of-age films that are realistic nowadays.

There's something almost adolescent about Whitman's paean to everything that was and remains good about America.

Each generation of adolescents has at least two historical events that color its responses to whatever happens next.

It was easy for me to leave acting for school, because I wasn't really in it as an adolescent for fulfilling reasons.

Nutritious meals, including lunch in school, and daily physical exercise, are essential for children and adolescents.

Every adolescent has that dream every century has that dream every revolutionary has that dream, to destroy the family.

Novelist and poet David Huddle is a quiet but fabulous writer, and he does adolescent longing better than anyone I know.

As an adolescent I wrote comic books, because I read lots of them, and fantasy novels set in Malaysia and Central Africa.

With the monstrous weapons man already has, humanity is in danger of being trapped in this world by its moral adolescents.

Babies did not attract me, and I was altogether without the maternal sense so highly developed in small and adolescent girls.

I was brought up in the War. I was an adolescent in the Second World War. And I did witness in London a great deal of the Blitz.

It's see no evil, hear no evil with toxic male gamers - whose every whim and adolescent fantasy has been catered to for decades.

No one knows his true character until he has run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent.

My own experience being bullied - it made me a more compassionate person. It made me more sympathetic to the adolescent experience.

I think I can safely say that, as adolescents, most people have excess energy to spare and need adventure, excitement, and a challenge.

Honestly, in retrospect, it probably was a little easier being an adolescent and not having people immediately know that Hef was my dad.

People are responsible adults at home. Why do we suddenly transform them into adolescents with no freedom when they reach the workplace?

My mother used to ask, 'Why do you always write such sad songs?' I don't know if I was different from a lot of adolescents in that respect.

It is terrible when an infant dies, but worse, most people think, when a three-year-old child dies, and worse still when an adolescent does.

It's possible that I've matured as a writer, and I hope I've matured emotionally, but I always find myself revisiting these adolescent scenes.

In America today, the percentage of children and adolescents who are defined as overweight is more than double what it was in the early 1970s.

If we refuse to accept as inevitable the irresponsibility and educational unconcern of the adolescent culture, then this poses a serious challenge.

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