I love making people smile and laugh.

I just love to make a whole roomful of people laugh.

I love to entertain. I love being able to make people laugh.

I love entertaining and making people laugh. It's my favorite thing to do.

I love entertaining people and making them laugh. It's my favorite thing to do.

I love telling stories, telling jokes, making people laugh. I've got no plans to stop doing it.

I love to entertain, I love to make people laugh, cry, and move them, perhaps moving them in their lives.

I always laugh because people assume I love horror because I do a horror movie, but I'm not a huge horror fan.

All the plays I do are comedies. I love listening to people laugh. I couldn't do the dramas like 'All My Sons.'

My whole thing as a performer is to affect people, whether I make you cry or I make you laugh. I would love to make you think.

I love Vines. You make this 6.4-second drama, and you can reach 6 million viewer, and make people laugh. I find it so fabulous.

I love hip hop, and I have a bunch of urban songs I write for fun that I can't put on my albums because people would laugh and point.

I really want to make something that makes people think. I love that movie 'Tiny Furniture' that Lena Dunham made. I just love that movie, and I laugh at that movie a lot, but I also felt a lot too. I'm just inspired by people like that.

I love working with an audience. I love working with actual people who, you know, if they're moved, you see it. If you say something they're stunned by, you see their jaws drop. If they're amused, they laugh - that kind of reinforcement, I totally adore.

'Instructions Not Included' is proving that there is a huge Latin market that needs a special project. They love seeing their own people; they want to see themselves onscreen. In my case, I know them pretty well. I know what they laugh at. I think it's going to open a lot of doors, this movie.

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