True love stories never have endings.

True love stories never have endings.

People just love stories.

I love stories about women.

Love stories thrive on hope.

I love stories about underdogs.

Love stories should be relatable.

I really love stories about women.

I think we need more love stories.

My favorite movies are love stories.

People love stories. They need stories.

I think women love to read love stories.

I love love stories, no matter how dark.

I love stories about misfits and underdogs.

Love stories are the most difficult to make.

'The Notebook' is one of my favorite love stories.

I like to see love stories: romantic comedy or romantic drama.

People love stories; they use stories to make sense of the world.

One of the recent love stories I enjoyed was Bhaskar's 'Bommarillu.'

I always do like to write love stories, even if they end tragically.

I simply love to believe in love stories. They are so cute and mushy.

I'm not really a believer in romantic, happily-ever-after love stories.

People love miracles; they love stories which break through adversities.

No two love stories are the same though the love factor might be the same.

People love stories about the mafia: 'The Godfather,' 'American Gangster.'

Life is one big love story with hundreds of little love stories within it.

We love stories about identity and acceptance because they're so universal.

Love stories are probably all I've ever been able to write or want to write.

Of all the love stories ever published, I have - realistically - read very few.

For someone who doesn't even like love stories, I've played an awful lot of lovers.

Human beings love stories because they safely show us beginnings, middles and ends.

Love stories happen in communities outside of just the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

I like fiction. I love all sorts of love stories, I think. I even watched '17 Again.'

I love stories. I loved stories when I was a kid. My mom read stories to me all the time.

Dramatic fiction - William Shakespeare made his biggest mark writing dramatic love stories.

I love stories and acting is a way to tell stories. Everyone assumes I've done it my whole life.

I love stories - devising them, writing them, reading them, watching them, being a part of them.

I love stories about people that, whatever situation they're in, you can relate to them in a way.

I love stories about women, and I think stories about women are generally pretty underrepresented.

Repressed English writers have to write love stories because they can't say what they really mean.

I don't think you can write - at least not well - if you don't love stories, love the written word.

I love stories that give me a perspective on how easy American life has become in the 21st century.

I don't claim to have led a saintly life. There have been a lot of one-sided love stories in my life.

The books that I wrote in my late teens and 20s, the little love stories, they were right from the heart.

In western countries, there are roles written for older actors. Films are made on them, including love stories.

I love stories like 'The Terminator' movies and 'The Matrix,' where our machines become self-aware and turn on us.

I would love to do Tammi Terrell's story. I love stories of the underdog coming out on top and stories of survival.

In all love stories the theme is love and tragedy, so by writing these types of stories, I have to include tragedy.

I love stories, and my life is principally concentrated on stories, but not with a pretense of scientific precision.

I have seen so many amazing love stories and engagements and I know how hard it is and how special it is to find that.

I guess all my films are about resolving conflicts - and they're all love stories. If they weren't, I couldn't make them.

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