Jazzmatazz' was Guru's thing, but Gang Starr was his baby. I don't care what anybody says. That dude loved Gang Starr.

Don't try to change anybody. And they should let you be yourself, 'You loved me when you met me, so let's keep going!'

Aw man, growing up I just loved sneakers. In my neighborhood, having the freshest shoes was always a key. A major key.

I knew I was never going to play professional sport, but I loved playing and I went to all the games I could afford to.

I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved who I am not. Even if you're not accepted, at least you are still yourself.

My parents loved classical music. And my father adored Mozart. But for some reason, I always had a reaction against it.

Even the simplest wicker basket can become priceless when it is loved and cared for through the generations of a family.

He painted me when I was young because he was in love with me, but now that he has loved me he doesn't paint me anymore.

I immediately loved flying from my first flight and knew that in some way it was going to be a part of my future career!

'Blue Valentine' was a really sad movie, but I loved the moments when they're discovering each other for the first time.

My intention was to create something that people loved to look at and they could find inspiration from, and that was it.

People may not know this about me, but I've always loved cooking. My favorite thing to cook is my mom's spicy spaghetti.

I loved doing the 'King of Queens', I have never had so much fun doing a show. People got to see a different side of me.

The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather in spite of ourselves.

I have loved to cook since I was a child in my mother's kitchen. If I don't have time to cook, I'll just read a cookbook.

I think in general, people are baffled by love and what it does to them and how far they'll go to have love and be loved.

I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them.

As a teenager, I was really interested in drama and art. I did painting and drawing. I did some acting and loved theater.

I like to be loved or hated - I don't like mediocre. So I'd rather have the entire crowd hate me than to have 90% hate me.

On the outskirts of the desert in Yemen, there was a cafe with a jukebox that had 'Sunshine Superman' on it. I loved that.

I would have loved to have been science-minded enough to be in the caring profession - either as a doctor or nurse or vet.

For God so loved the World that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

I'm a girl that loves cars. I've always loved them. I love to drive with the windows down, sunroof open, and music pumping.

I've always loved the rustic, slightly worn style of Canvas and that element of an artisanal hand. It's so inherently chic.

Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.

Home is where you are appreciated, safe and protected, creative, and where you are loved - not where you are put in prison.

Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking.

I went to community college for graphic design, and I loved it, but I wasn't into the school thing, so that didn't work out.

I love being a mother. I loved being a daughter, a sister, a wife. I love being a woman with men. I love having given birth.

I used to play the piano when I was younger, and I loved Alicia Keys. I wanted to be Alicia Keys; she was such an idol to me.

I loved ghost stories, creaky staircases, stormy nights. If it guaranteed nightmares I read it by flashlight, after midnight.

Elvis was the only man from Northeast Mississippi who could shake his hips and still be loved by rednecks, cops, and hippies.

The desire of my heart is to be loved so fearlessly by somebody. I will not allow myself not to feel chosen every single day.

A pain stabbed my heart as it did every time I saw a girl I loved who was going the opposite direction in this too-big world.

It's like I say to young people who ask me about going into journalism: If you want to be loved, don't go into this business.

I've always loved great upholstery, and think that a great sofa is one of the most important pieces of furniture in your home.

I fell in love with flora of all types, especially ferns. Loved the sparse structure and repetition of shape - almost fractal.

There are times when I feel incredibly loved and connected, and times when I feel alone. I think that's natural for all of us.

Freddie Mercury and I both loved to have a laugh on tour. If there were shenanigans and good times, Fred and I would be there.

The thing that I loved about 'Feud,' we froze a moment in time for these families that had never occurred before. That's magic.

When a loved one passes, there are mixed emotions, and a thirst to live one's own life more deeply can certainly be among them.

Whenever people hear that Kurt Cobain was a fan of my standup, it's like hearing Jimi Hendrix loved Buddy Hackett or something.

I wasn't a big guy. People thought the big guys would eat me up. But it was the other way around. I loved to fight bigger guys.

The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.

It is so small a thing to have enjoyed the sun, to have lived light in the spring, to have loved, to have thought, to have done.

I've always loved life, and I've never known what's ahead. I love not knowing what might be round the corner. I love serendipity.

No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one, it still comes as a shock, and it still hurts very deeply.

I think you kind of need to acknowledge that the reason why sequels do well is because people that loved the first one come back.

I was a little tiger. I loved skating. You couldn't get me out of my skates. As many times as I could go to the rink, I was there.

I loved clinical practice, but in public health, you can impact more than one person at a time. The whole society is your patient.

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