We can be shiny and perfect and admired, or we can be real and honest and vulnerable and loved. But we actually do have to choose.

My mom loved rock n' roll. My father hated it. We couldn't play it when he was around. He liked classical music and Duke Ellington.

I have always loved food. I began cooking for my family as a young girl, and to this day, it's one of my greatest pleasures in life.

I loved animation and cartoons, even when it was not cool when you were in high school. I raced home to see the Bugs Bunny cartoons.

Those who persevere in sin are those who are held in abhorrence by God, but those who abandon the ways of sin are loved by the Lord.

I come from a very matriarchal family and it's important to me that women are protected and saved and educated and loved and valued.

I wanted to be a sportswriter because I loved sports and I could not hit the curve ball, the jump shot, or the opposing ball carrier.

It was awesome growing up listening to Oasis and Paolo Nutini, but I also loved growing up listening to Ray Charles and Muddy Waters.

My mother loved entertaining, and I've followed suit, so we have big celebrations for New Year, Passover, Thanksgiving and birthdays.

During the Great Depression, when people laughed their worries disappeared. Audiences loved these funny men. I decided to become one.

I spent my 30s figuring out how to be a grown up, I guess. I loved my 30s! My 30s were really about being happy with what I was doing.

My ideal Valentine's Day is spending it with someone you are in love with and for that someone to make you feel loved and appreciated.

Frankly, I loved playing there. The Americans are incomparable for the sport's business, and they're beginning to truly love football.

I just did what I loved - flowers and rock n' roll. Pretty and punk. I was largely inspired by my dancing school classes and costumes.

I've made records that everyone has hated and I've loved, and made records that everyone has loved and I've deemed, at best, mediocre.

'Rome' was one of my favourite shows, and I wish HBO had given it three more seasons 'cause I would have loved to continue watching it.

Easter is one of my favorite holidays with the kids. They get to run loose, and we always have our family and loved ones all around us!

Ever since I was a little kid, I would always rap. I just loved it. But when I really got into it seriously was when I saw 'Kill Bill.'

They died hard, those savage men - like wounded wolves at bay. They were filthy, and they were lousy, and they stunk. And I loved them.

There's only one thing that everyone in this world has in common: whether you want to love somebody and you want to be loved in return.

Since I was about seven, I've loved cooking. I'd wake up at five in the morning and make cinnamon rolls and all these different things.

I always loved science. And in fact, I got a science award in high school. I mean, I loved science, but I think I loved literature more.

I've always loved dancing. As soon as there is good music, I've got to get up and dance. I was passionate about ballet as a little girl.

I've always loved to play games, and face it: investing is one big game. You need to be decisive, open-minded, flexible and competitive.

I have loved but one flag and I can not share that devotion and give affection to the mongrel banner invented for the League of Nations.

I loved growing up in Portland because I'm not from L.A. or New York or Chicago or some cool city... It was a very regular suburban life.

I loved downers, almost any kind. Loved the colors of them. Loved them yellow... I did. I would just have a bouquet in my hands at night.

I loved Stephen Wright, and I loved Mitch Hedberg, but they seemed like geniuses you could never emulate. You'd just be ripping them off.

When I was a kid, I loved action, war, horror, monster movies... Anything with special effects. I was fascinated with how'd they do that.

Governments exist to protect the rights of minorities. The loved and the rich need no protection: they have many friends and few enemies.

I've been told I've done a lot of flop movies. And I think, 'Wow, I've never considered them flops!' I've loved every character I played.

While it's nice to appreciate the fashion world... what makes you happy are real relationships and the moments you share with loved ones.

What most did not understand then was that I was not only married to the man I loved, but I was also married to the movement that I loved.

I loved being Maleficent. I was quite sad to put my staff down and put my horns away because somehow, she just lives in a different world.

Teamwork is what the Green Bay Packers were all about. They didn't do it for individual glory. They did it because they loved one another.

I've always gravitated towards the beats, obviously. And when I was growing up, I always loved funk music or even - dare I say it - disco.

The first duty of a leader is to make himself be loved without courting love. To be loved without 'playing up' to anyone - even to himself.

If I were to write my epitaph... Epitaph? Hey, shut-up Albert. I'd want to be remembered as someone who loved his sport and tried his best.

My mom used to keep all her Christmas cards in a basket bedecked with red ribbon, and I loved to look at them all and read all the letters.

I've always loved big eyes, like those of Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor. But my mother didn't allow me to wear make-up until I was 15.

For a country to have a great writer is like having a second government. That is why no regime has ever loved great writers, only minor ones.

Lets see, I remember the first time I went to Japan, I loved that because I was taller than everyone! I'm only 5'7' but in Japan that's good!

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.

I loved being at the Royal Ballet. Those choreographers, MacMillan and Ashton, they knew how to translate complicated life into choreography.

I don't know about everyone else, but I really loved lunch and recess because it was an opportunity to get carried away with your imagination.

If I ever loved a woman, the more I loved her, the more I wanted to hurt her. Frida was only the most obvious victim of this disgusting trait.

I loved Cary Grant. I got to know him and Audrey Hepburn. Here were these people I always liked and admired, and they were coming to my house.

Only Freddie Mercury could do Freddie Mercury. He was absolutely brilliant - I loved him to pieces, and I had a great deal of respect for him.

We've always loved the automobile, and we all love Henry Ford's original vision to open the highways to all mankind, the freedom and movement.

All I ever wanted to do, personally, was bring something new to what I loved: the thing that I loved the most, the music that I loved the most.

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