I'm in the major league now.

I don't want to be a Major League coach.

I don't feel I could've played major league baseball.

It's a sensitive thing, playing major league baseball.

My dreams do not end with playing Major League Baseball.

I think all major league players dream of being named MVP.

I perform in the major leagues of what I do. It's incredible.

At one point, I was the youngest owner in major league sports.

I think I'd like to be an owner of a Major League Baseball team.

The fourth major league game I ever saw in person, I was in uniform.

I think it's a natural fit, major league baseball and country music.

Too many kids today are playing major league ball and don't belong there.

Major League Baseball is doing everything to make the game as clean as possible.

I've face more than 35 major leaguers, and only two have ever made contact against me.

You can't know what it's like to be a major league umpire unless you were a major league umpire.

I'm very thankful to the Yankees and to Major League Baseball for allowing me to play this game.

San Antonio is an ideal market for Major League Soccer. It's time that we put our best foot forward.

But I want you to know that what I'm doing here I'm doing as a ballplayer, a major league ballplayer.

This illuminates not only fans' interest in major league teams but also the minors and even Little League.

My major league debut came at old Busch Stadium on Grand Avenue in St. Louis against the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Major league hitters have more power. But Japanese hitters are very good at making contact. I don't like either.

Always wanted to be a Major League player. Loved baseball. Followed it. Loved to play. Plus, I could always hit.

For years, I have been harboring memories of my first major league game at a place named Ebbets Field in Brooklyn.

My motive, and I will make it clear and look you in the eyes, is to attack major league baseball. That's my motive.

Major league baseball is about the history of the game. Baseball history is so important. It's so much more than money.

A major league pitching coach is a really difficult job. It takes a big commitment in terms of time, travel and workload.

Major League Baseball has prostate awareness for two weeks leading up to Father's Day, and I want to get involved in that.

It's hard enough to get four hits in a Major League Baseball game, yet alone have them all be the right ones and the right sequence.

I think sometimes Hall of Famers might get labeled as guys who aren't suited for a coaching job or to be back at the Major League level.

You can say baseball's fun, you're in the big leagues, you get to come to a Major League field every day - and, yeah, that's great. I love it.

In 1906, I developed pleurisy and was unable to get into condition. So I asked for my release and obtained it. So ended my Major League career.

We don't live in isolation. Most people don't like working in isolation - some do, but they typically don't end up playing Major League Baseball.

That's what Major League Baseball's steroid scandal was all about, the hidden harm in competitive sports that sends the wrong message to the young.

Major League Baseball is a national institution and we take our responsibilities seriously when it comes to how the game affects the lives of American youth.

I'm grateful that the Buck family, Major League Baseball, and the other Major League clubs have confidence in my ability to lead our franchise into the future.

So, who in the media is without sin among us? I am in the media and I am a major league sinner. I don't know anyone except my wife who isn't a big time sinner.

Whenever we had career day at elementary school, and we could dress up like what you wanted to be, when I got on stage, mine was playing major league baseball.

You realize it's a business and that teams are going to do what's best for them. That's how it is. That's what we sign up for as a Major League Baseball player.

I can't remember a major league game where I could make eye contact with my dad. I kept wondering if he was going to yell at me for hanging a pitch or something.

I want to be part of Major League Baseball's Hall of Fame, but I don't want to be part of the kind of Hall of Fame that's based on voters' beliefs and assumptions.

The interesting thing is that it seems like George W. Bush would have been happy being the president of anything. He could have been president of Major League Baseball.

And then when I went to stay in '68, I can honestly say that I was not focused on my career and on what it took to be a major league pitcher and to be a starting pitcher.

Anyone interested in becoming a professional umpire and becoming eligible to work in the minor leagues must attend one of the two umpire schools sanctioned by Major League Baseball.

I love Major League Soccer, covered the first game in 1996 in a funky stadium in San Jose, and I applaud just about every move that its commissioners, Garber and Doug Logan, have made.

The best example of how impossible it will be for Major League Baseball to crack down on steroids is the fact that baseball and the media are still talking about the problem as 'steroids.'

Growing up, I looked up to major league baseball players, and now these young women have amazing, incredible women all across the board, from swimming to gymnastics to softball to basketball.

I would love to see as many of the black players as possible in today's Major League Baseball make every effort to go to the Negro Leagues Museum and get a first-hand view of how it all started.

We'll probably only consider a handful of individuals. We'll bring up people who can accumulate either innings or at-bats, so we can hopefully gauge where they stand as a prospective Major Leaguer.

Many of the greatest black athletes of all time played baseball for no money and no recognition. I'm just sorry many major league fans never got to see them play, because many of them were awesome.

That's what every young kid thinks about when they first put on a uniform - is to play in the Major League and then, ultimately, play in a World Series. To me, that was the ultimate, winning in '86.

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