Boards don't hit back.

Don't be rushed, be sure.

I'm hooked on martial arts.

I had to learn martial arts.

Never leave an enemy standing.

Do nothing which is of no use.

Karate is for life, not points.

Coffee is a language in itself.

I was raised doing martial arts.

We are the modern day gladiators.

No one has the right to beat you.

There is no first strike in Karate.

Gain confidence and you banish fear.

Always be able to kill your students

Knowing is not enough, You must apply

A true champion can adapt to anything.

I've always been huge into martial arts.

My time of martial arts was traditional.

Martial arts is about honor and respect.

I only want my work to make people happy.

My martial arts background is Tae Kwon Do.

Optimism is a faith that leads to success.

I was always into martial arts and boxing.

Never depart from the way of martial arts.

Not even the gods fight against necessity.

Everything in life goes back to the basics.

I do mixed martial arts, mainly kickboxing.

I've been doing martial arts since I was 9.

The truth is outside of all fixed patterns.

I've always been interested in martial arts.

I breathe martial arts every day of my life.

I am a huge mixed martial arts practitioner.

I'm a huge boxing and mixed martial arts fan.

People don't get it. Martial arts is my life.

Whatever one cultivates, is what one becomes.

There are no shortcuts because there is no end

I learnt martial arts from a Japanese teacher.

What is true stillness? Stillness in movement.

I studied martial arts before I studied dance.

I'm very well-rounded. It's mixed martial arts.

All art is political, all art is a martial one.

My love for mixed martial arts will never waver.

Obey the principles without being bound by them.

I'm very, very, very interested in martial arts.

Behind each triumph are new peaks to be conquered.

I'm a martial arts buff, so anything martial arts.

If there is effort, there is always accomplishment.

Mixed martial arts is great, and it's here to stay.

I've come from nowhere, and I'm not shy to go back.

You must be on your toes constantly, yet be relaxed.

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