In Zen we have no gurus.

I'm the master marketer.

We cannot all be masters.

No one masters the heart.

I love owning my masters.

Chance is a second master.

Practice makes the master.

As the master so the valet.

I am glad I did my Masters.

Magna carta. Master charga.

The Masters is poetry to me.

Now I am master of Shanghai.

Gold will be slave or master.

What worries you, masters you.

What are you, Zen Master Fang?

Repetition creates the master.

Death is a master from Germany.

Be first the master of yourself

Ideals are the world's masters.

We must change to master change.

You have to be a master to teach.

Everyone is a master and servant.

We are the masters of our reality.

Slaves have to obey their masters.

Mastery is often taken for egotism.

One heart cannot serve two masters.

Methods are the masters of masters.

Man is man, and master of his fate.

Practice, the master of all things.

Why are most chess masters under 30?

I'm an indestructible master of war.

Turkey's true master is the peasant.

Build up virtue, and you master all.

A master passion is the love of news.

I want to get my Masters in business.

You are the Master of your own Destiny

Amanda Ashley is a master storyteller.

For man is man and master of his fate.

Be your money's master, not its slave.

O Master, make me chaste, but not yet!

You can pretend anything and master it.

We are the masters of our own universe.

Words are good servants but bad masters.

I don't think anyone masters parenthood.

How dangerous a master human emotion is!

A sleepy master makes his servant a Lowt.

I'll never be Bob Dylan. He's the master.

Chess will always be the master of us all.

To draw true beauty shows a master's hand.

Today I will be the master of my emotions.

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