I am fast and very powerful on the court, so this is what matters.

Be a good person. The best person you can be. That's what matters.

Laughter can help relieve tension in even the heaviest of matters.

What we really are matters more than what other people think of us.

The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.

It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.

When something really matters, you should never give up or give in.

I like to do things that get results. Results are all that matters.

How you lose matters. Don't be afraid of losing - it paralyzes you.

If you're happy, if you're feeling good, then nothing else matters.

Energy consumption matters both to our environment and our economy.

It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters.

For artists like me nothing matters more than the audience's respect.

Success needs no explanation. Failure does not have one that matters.

We may smile at these matters, but they are melancholy illustrations.

America, I am a strong believer that how we treat each other matters.

Determination becomes obsession and then it becomes all that matters.

Everything is beautiful, all that matters is to be able to interpret.

Quality and a great product matters, in startups, and in accelerators.

For voters what matters is what government actually delivers for them.

Nothing else matters except that I have fun, and I'm still having fun.

Work is work, but family is for life. That's what really matters to me.

Football is my job, and all that matters is the present, the next game.

Budgets are matters of priority and prioritizing. It's a high priority.

Employ oneself upon trifling professional matters which others could do.

On matters of race, on matters of decency, baseball should lead the way.

Will this new play be good or bad? Nothing else matters. Nothing at all.

It is only those who believe in their ability who shine when it matters.

I think for voters what matters is the values that drive the government.

Fair play doesn't pertain in bargaining. What matters there is leverage.

When you grow up on an island, what matters is how you stand to the sea.

Whether you're black or white, you're a human - and that's what matters.

Modelling is only about the look. In acting, it's the feel that matters.

It doesn't matter how new an idea is: what matters is how new it becomes.

Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies. Nobody that matters, that is.

The way in which you carry yourself, even when seated at a desk, matters.

In any event, colonization and the grant of lands were provincial matters.

If we can just focus our attention where it matters, we can effect change.

I believe that being honest to oneself and one's work is all that matters.

The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane.

While technology is important, it's what we do with it that truly matters.

I have learned it's not how you fall but how you get up that truly matters.

Every reiteration of the idea that nothing matters debases the human spirit.

To love what you do and feel that it matters how could anything be more fun?

Why do you speak to me of the stones? It is only the arch that matters to me.

I believe the Constitution matters: that it's not just a few pieces of paper.

When you love someone, and you've lost that one, then nothing really matters.

It's not necessarily size that matters, it's how fast you move that implement.

We will not change in matters of policy until such time as dialogue has begun.

My family background was heavily slanted toward business and seafaring matters.

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