I could definitely make 145. But if 'Cowboy' is going to 145, I'm going after somebody who matters.

We don't necessarily always agree, but hopefully we make each other think, and that's what matters.

At the end of the day, that's all that matters. Winning a championship. Everything else is failure.

The most important thing with children is to give them your time. Actually, that's all that matters.

Accidents happen and all of that, but it's how we pick ourselves up from the accidents that matters.

I am blessed to have a family like mine. If you have a good family then nothing else really matters.

Nothing matters but the writing. There has been nothing else worthwhile... a stain upon the silence.

Aesthetic matters are fundamental for the harmonious development of both society and the individual.

My gymnasts are always the best-prepared in the world. And they win. In the end, that's what matters.

I seem to have secured some place in world of music and that's kind of all that really matters to me.

I seem to have to make my characters family before I can access their hearts in any way that matters.

News is something that happens that matters to you, which is not most of what we watch on television.

Really, what matters in the long run is sticking with things and working daily to get better at them.

As soon as I step on that stage, nothing matters. I don't think of it as work. It's just so much fun.

It only matters how many wins you get, and we've got to figure out how to continue to get those wins.

It does not matter much whom we live with in this world, but it matters a great deal whom we dream of.

Egypt has a presidential system. The president runs the state. Who the president is matters profoundly.

Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.

Family's first, and that's what matters most. We realize that our love goes deeper than the tennis game.

I think people are people. If you want something, go get it. I don't think it matters what race you are.

It doesn't matter what odds are on paper or what's happened before. It matters what happens that moment.

I know what I need to work on, and I know what I need to prove and to show, and that's all that matters.

Once a president gets to the White House, the only audience that is left that really matters is history.

Create a ladder of values and priorities in your life, reminding yourself of what really matters to you.

If people really like your music but you're not selling so many records, I don't think it really matters.

Being one step ahead of a fashion trend is not so important to me. What matters is to always forge ahead.

The stuff that matters in life is no longer stuff. It's other people. It's relationships. It's experience.

The only poll obviously that matters is the last one, the one that's counted after all the votes are cast.

By dedicating so much concentration to the issue of security, bilateral matters pass to a secondary level.

There is one thing that matters, to set a chime of words tinkling in the minds of a few fastidious people.

A straight oar looks bent in the water. What matters is not merely that we see things but how we see them.

You have to stay true to yourself, and as long as you are comfortable, then no one else's opinion matters.

Sometimes it is the simplest, seemingly most inane, most practical stuff that matters the most to someone.

Every one of us in Congress has a responsibility to keep working together and stay focused on what matters.

It is always best to settle all outstanding financial matters as soon as divorce proceedings are concluded.

Smart people are a dime a dozen. What matters is the ability to think different... to think out of the box.

It's probably a combination of personal and non-personal matters that have led us to where we are musically.

I have always looked after the little things of my business; weightier matters will take care of themselves.

The intellectual debility of contemporary conservatism is indicated by its silence on all important matters.

Italians know that what matters is style, not fashion. Italian style does not have social or age boundaries.

I feel that there has been progress made since I was a boy on matters of race, but we have a long way to go.

I'm not looking at money, percentage points or grosses. This is my life, you know? To me, every day matters.

The virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family.

The sensitivity of men to small matters, and their indifference to great ones, indicates a strange inversion.

We all might ask ourselves why we tune in to these more trivial matters and tune out when it comes to Darfur.

God knows how many things a man misses by becoming smug and assuming that matters will take their own course.

As a public personality, I keep things related to my children and partner to myself. They are private matters.

I don't want to know what time it is. I don't want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters.

I consider Rajamouli my guru. He is a friend with whom I can discuss all my professional and personal matters.

I am a peasant from the Auvergne. I want to keep my farm, and I want to keep France. Nothing else matters now.

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