Me being in shape allows me to be more mobile and do better things, make bigger plays.

Competing makes me that much more driven and, honestly, I perform better under pressure.

I like to play a wide range of characters. The more they're unlike me, the better I like it.

Every record I do does a little better than the last, which in turn makes me more stressed out.

I learned a lot of things that made me be a better player and have more of a variety on the pitch.

I wanted to become me, totally me. The more me, the better. I instinctively knew this and I was right.

The pressure makes me more intent about each shot. Pressure on the last few holes makes me play better.

I was allowed to do whatever made me happy. I can't think of a better or more worthwhile approach to parenting.

To me, the more the merrier. The more times I can get in that ring and get in front of a crowd and wrestle, the better.

Not only is my husband the most encouraging partner, he is more demanding than me when it comes to films, wanting me to do better roles.

I left the Middle West for Schenectady because the General Electric Company offered me a more congenial, better paying job than did anyone else.

It's really been a better situation for me being with the Crush than it would if I were with the Broncos because this has given me a lot more broad range.

I didn't cry when I left free-booting, smash-and-grab papers that would have appeared to be far more natural homes for me and, at the risk of being vulgar, paid far better for my services.

I was on my bike, cycling to Stanford, and it struck me that a week had gone by without my having a phone. And everything was just fine. Better than fine, actually. I felt more relaxed, carefree, happier.

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