I feel like fame is wasted on me.

Me and Ashley feel like we're totally different.

I feel like songwriting, for me, is kind of therapy.

You're making me feel like a skunk at the garden party.

Tim Duncan and Steve Smith made me feel like an All-Star.

I used to like beer, but it makes me feel slightly queasy.

If I'm a phenomenon, it makes me feel like I have no purpose.

I'm frightened a lot. I feel like it's caused me a lot of obstacles.

It really wasn't about picking Chicago. I feel like Chicago picked me.

I don't really feel like I belong anywhere, which makes me belong everywhere.

I just didn't feel like there would be a lot of opportunities for me in Birmingham.

I feel like me and Batman have a lot in common. Out on the basketball court, I'm a vigilante.

When I'm with my kids, I feel like that's really me. And when we're on stage, I feel that, too.

I don't necessarily get rubs from championships, I'd like to feel the championship gets a rub off of me.

I like to be in locations that I kind of feel are very creative, that stimulate me in a creative process.

I don't really feel an allegiance to any of the countries I have lived in, even though I feel like part of them, and part of them is in me.

I feel like, when I get a certain amount of minutes, and when the coaches allow me to be me on the court, I'm Rondo. There's no 'Playoff Rondo.'

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