Why don't people just open... my works instead of accusing me?

Why people pick me for the roles that they do is a bit of a mystery.

I get why people didn't like me, or don't like me, because I have an arrogance.

I think why people are drawn to me is because I'm very relatable. I don't filter.

People tell me there are a lot of guys like me, which doesn't explain why I'm lonely.

Rap is from the streets and I'm from the streets. That's why a lot of people accept me.

When people ask me why is 'Winter's Tale' a fantasy, I point out that it is not a fantasy.

I'm a comedian because I want people to like me. That's really why all comedians are comedians.

Even now, when people ask me, 'Why did you take the job at Uber?' I say because my gut told me to.

If the elites listened, they would understand why French young people like me are joining our ranks.

The only people I ever get irritated with are the ones who announce, using my Twitter handle, that they are no longer following me and why.

For me, it is all about people having jobs, and that is why I make no apology for having focused relentlessly on employment and job creation.

In bonded labour cases, judges would ask me why I had brought those people to the courts who stank. 'You are here precisely for them,' I would respond.

I like to be other people, not me. And when you're on the red carpet, it's like, 'Here's Tom Hardy.' I don't want to be me. That's why I play other people.

People interest me a lot: why we are kind, why we are cruel, how we learn the difference, what makes us act in ways contrary to those we've been socialized with.

A lot of people ask me why I don't expand and explore other musical areas, but I like the plain three- and four-chord rock-and-roll that I call the the semi-blues.

Somebody asked me, 'Why do people like vampires so much?' This was right after Obama had been elected and I said, 'Because we just spent eight years being sucked dry by one.'

I think that what I'm attracted to is people who are wild. But the self-destructive side comes out of the wild side. The wildness is very different from me. That's why I think I like it.

Luckily, I was raised by people who'd already seen all the yuck stuff, which is why they originally didn't want me to act. I understood the difference between getting a part at a Hollywood party and getting a job.

Johnny Depp is like a brother to me. We have matching tattoos on our backs - Charles Baudelaire, the flowers of evil, this giant skeleton thing. It's kind of a secret. People say to us, 'Why did you get that?' And we say, 'No reason.'

The biggest critics are in the comments online. People are so judgmental of me. It's like, 'Why is she wearing this?' or 'Why isn't she wearing that?' or 'Why does she talk like that?' That's the worst because they're judging for no reason.

Christ, he was paranoid about criticism. I used to say: why doesn't he worry about the team and forget what people are saying? He got Phil Thompson, who was a kid coming through when I was a Liverpool player, to have a go at me. So now I don't talk to him.

People often ask me why I don't take up more heroine-oriented roles. My question is, 'Where are these roles?' I really appreciate actresses who sign only films with meaty roles. However, there aren't too many of them. The industry is simply male-dominated.

I had a bunch of paintings around at my house, and someone said to me, 'Why don't you just put them on Instagram? Why don't you show people these?' And I didn't want to - it was just something else I would have to do. But eventually, I was like, 'What's the harm?' And the response was so insane!

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