People will forget me pretty quick.

I just wish that people will be kinder to me when I pass away.

I like the pressure of having to perform so people will come to me.

I will never be able to move on as much as people would like me to.

It's amazing to me that young people will still pick up a cigarette.

If my own party workers criticize me, how will I reach out to people?

There are a lot of people who will come to me for advice or whatever.

I need to behave in a way that will cause people to take me seriously.

There's no way for me to anticipate what people will like or not like.

I never think about what people will think when they watch me on screen.

It's hard to describe my style. People will tell me that I'm really flowy.

If people will be interested in me, they will be interested in chess also.

If I didn't do well at Wimbledon maybe Chinese people will forget about me.

A lot of people, including me, are worried that inequality will lead to bad things.

I think my play will talk for me, It will show people, and it will show the league.

When I think people like one record more than the other, then someone will surprise me.

I'm kind of the antithesis of a comedian. People that don't like me will agree with that.

Usually when I mention suspended animation, people will flash me the Vulcan sign and laugh.

If I go to Lowe's, people will follow me up and down the aisle with kitchen plans and samples.

Show me someone who never gossips, and I will show you someone who is not interested in people.

What people will say about me then - or maybe not say - will be the only thing that finally counts.

I gotta stay in that light where people will see me and hear me. And not be scared of me, you know?

Some people called me a fascist. That's mostly over, but there will be more attacks from the unions.

But I will say that most comedians are the saddest people I know. That is the biggest paradox to me.

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that some people will go to to try and speak to me or meet me.

I just try to direct in a way that interests me. And, hopefully, other people will find it compelling.

I care about Bahrain. Bahrain is very dear to me. I will not allow people to play around with our laws.

I'm really lucky! I'm just cognisant that I wanna move forward, and people will let me or not; who knows.

For me, the watershed was Hurricane Katrina. If that didn't get people out on the streets, then what will?

I will never forget the will of the people who believed in me wherever I went during the election campaign.

I will do everything that is required from me, but if people get bored of me, I can't control their emotions.

When I think about it, I'm happily bewildered that people will preorder my books They'll preorder me. What a lucky guy!

In Denmark, we're making 20 films a year. If I'm showing up in even two of those, people will get tired of me really fast.

I'm done with the nicknames. Actually, when I obtain my doctorate, I will not allow people to call me Shaq anymore, either.

The people that were invested in me staying the same way after a decade will most likely by default have to be disappointed.

You can't satisfy everybody. I will continue to do my job until I get fired, and the only people who can fire me are my fans.

What amazes me is how far some people will go to justify their behavior to themselves, just to preserve that self-perception.

I had never thought that so many people would know me, will talk about me, and most of all, I will be given a National Award.

I knew that people disliked me, and there always will be, but that's the price you pay for being in the limelight, so to speak.

When I die, and people realize that I will not be resurrected in three days, they will forget me. That is the way it should be.

Maybe 'Doonby' will haunt people for awhile and make them wonder, 'What was that really about?' And that excites me as an artist.

I'm very lucky to be a comedian, and I feel privileged that people come to see me in the expectation that I will make them laugh.

I will say again that I have never, and would never, harm a child. It sickens me that people have written untrue things about me.

The Obama representatives like Robert Gibbs attack people viciously, but people like me will not be silent and will answer them back.

You will find me standing up to my rack, as the people's faithful representative, and the public's most obedient, very humble servant.

I'm very conscious of what I wear, and what I say. I know that if I go out, there will be 10 people who will notice me from head to toe.

Because 'Friends' is on Netflix, there's a renewed interest from that... People can call me 'Ben' on the street, and I will turn around.

I'm happy with the vote and the support. I'm very glad that it is so decisive. It will enable me to be a president for all of the people.

All the people who follow me on Twitter know my sense of humor. I sometimes forget the blogosphere will give it more weight than I intended.

There are lot of shades about me that people don't know. There are many things people don't know. I don't know if people will like me or not.

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