Paris was a melting pot.

Honolulu is a melting pot.

L.A. is such a melting pot.

I love that New York City is a true melting pot.

America is not a melting pot. It is a sizzling cauldron.

I love London. It is such a melting pot. Everything is here.

America's a melting pot, all races, cultures, religious choices.

England really is at the forefront of being a melting pot of all cultures.

My family is just an amazing melting pot of wonderful religions and faiths.

Miami is a melting pot in which none of the stones melt. They rattle around.

My family's very, very mixed. I am, I guess, a kind of melting pot in a person.

I think of L.A. as truly the melting pot. It's basically a mini-country unto itself.

Jazz has always been a melting pot of influences and I plan to incorporate them all.

New York is like a melting pot: so many different people, so many different cultures.

By growing up in Alabama, I had a melting pot of the whole pie: R&B, gospel, country.

The thing I love about Vegas is that it's a melting pot. It's like working Ellis Island.

We no longer want to be a melting pot, because we don't understand what is already melted.

In Florida, we're the best melting pot in the world. We love everybody coming to our state.

The Midwest is a musical melting pot and the source and birthplace of several musical genres.

My theory is because I'm Asian and white I sort of look like the future. I'm the melting pot.

Race wasn't an issue. My family was French, but Yorkville was a melting pot of races and cultures.

I love Caribbean food. It's a great melting pot of so many cultures including the Native Americans.

London is one of the most exciting cities in the world, with a melting pot of cultures and diversity.

Canada is a really big melting pot of cultures, so we ended up with a giant mosaic of different music.

America is a such a melting pot, I'm not sure if roast chicken is the classic comfort food for everybody.

Coachella is a melting pot of cultures, vibes, style, and, of course, music. I look forward to it every year.

Los Angeles is a melting pot for all different cultures and creativity. It's really a ground to cultivate artists.

If the United States is the melting pot of the world, you need entertainment - you need visuals that represent that.

There is here a great melting pot in which we must compound a precious metal. That metal is the metal of nationality.

I moved to London, and it's a cliche to say that London is a melting pot, but it's true - I didn't stand out anymore.

Not only is New York City the nation's melting pot, it is also the casserole, the chafing dish and the charcoal grill.

For me, personally, Detroit is a melting pot for everything. We get the best from the East Coast, West Coast and down South.

Las Vegas is amazing because of the clientele you have here. People come from all over the world; it really is a melting pot.

It's a melting pot, southern Africa. You find these cultural collisions that result in art and music, and it's pretty amazing.

We live in a melting pot. More and more, people are some kind of mixture. Even if you're Caucasian, you're a mixture of something.

Tottenham was a dope place to grow up because it's so community-based. It's a melting pot of cultures. I'll always be a north London girl.

In the American 'melting pot,' identity politics wants to smash that pot - to bring us back to the Dark Ages, when collaboration was sparse.

We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.

SXSW has been a melting pot of ideas and policy on immigration, cybersecurity, privacy, Internet of Things, international trade, and innovation.

I've always seen myself as an all-American kid, you know. You're not just white or black or Asian or Latino. We're in the melting pot of America.

Cities are a melting pot for different ideas, and diversity brings a high-energy rhythm that I don't think we'd know was gone until it was too late.

Britain is just a melting pot for every culture. Like a pot for every culture around the world mixed into one. Artists over here understand that more.

I had never watched a live classical performance before I came to Bengaluru. I feel like this is the New York of India - a melting pot of many cultures.

The best thing about being from Britain is that it's a melting pot of cultures, characters, and creativity. I couldn't imagine coming from anywhere else.

Growing up with country, R&B, gospel, and classical music from my grandmother and pop, Tuskegee was the perfect melting pot for my influences as a writer.

Moving to Los Angeles and working in places like Hawaii, you get to experience a true melting pot. It's really nice to be around people who are multiethnic.

This is a great country, and it's a melting pot. People shouldn't judge other people by the color of their skin, their church, or the area where they reside.

This country isn't a melting pot. Think of this country as a stir fry. That's what this country should be. A place where people are appreciated for who they are.

I grew up in such a melting pot. There's more ethnicities in Queens than there is in any place on the planet. So you grow up knowing things about other cultures.

My schools were quite diverse - those who serve their country come from every race and religion - and so the military schools I attended were a wonderful melting pot.

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