I'm always up to no good, messing about.

Messing up lines is always embarrassing for me.

I don't want people messing with my sound, my stuff.

I don't believe in messing with mother-nature too much.

If I thought anybody was messing with me, I was difficult.

I'm happy and thankful that people are messing with the Dolla $ign.

I had some nerve damage that was kind of messing up my grip a little.

I like messing around, and I like working with artists who I respect.

I just don't want anyone messing around with my pure smoking pleasure.

The United States Army is really messing with my plan to get pregnant.

I'm not really interested in people. I just like messing around in cars.

Live stand-up is my thing. I love being on stage and just messing around.

I think when you start messing with your own hormones, it's crazy-making.

I admit to wasting my life messing around with fast cars and motorcycles.

I love the Greeks. There's no messing around - it's all do or die with them.

I don't want to live with the guilt of messing up someone's retirement fund.

It's good to play 100 per cent live - no tricks, no samples, no messing about.

I'm not messing with skiing. You can't get this Puerto Rican on the slope. Uh-uh.

I tell guys all the time, you see me messing up, get at me. I want you to get at me.

When you're on the road, there's no time for second chances and messing yourself up.

When people start messing with their foreheads and can't lift their eyebrows, that's weird.

'The Voice' was the first real job I've ever had that wasn't just messing around with music.

I took that time off - I knew it was messing me up, not being connected to a spiritual plane.

Oh my God, when I auditioned for 'Hamilton,' I kept messing up the words to 'Say No To This.'

I was messing around with the harmonica... but I was 13 before I got a real good note out of it.

I'm Irish, so I'm messing all the time. Which means, I'm having a laugh. I'm always making jokes.

There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.

And I like messing around in the engine room of music. Seeing what happens in the rhythm section area.

I remember with my first album, I was so scared of messing it up, of blowing the opportunity, that I blew it.

My mom tried to get me on ballet. 'Walter Payton did it! Walter Payton did it!' I'm just not messing with ballet.

When I was 5 or 6, I was messing around with the piano, and I listened to everything from Chopin to boogie-woogie.

The giant fraud that is Britain's education system strides ever onwards, messing up many more lives than it improves.

I can be a nice person, but if someone is messing with someone I care about, the tougher side comes out a little more.

It's got to be both houses and the people coming together in unanimous decision when you start messing with the Constitution.

I definitely don't like anyone messing with my friends or loved ones. I'm quick to step up to the plate if there's a problem.

You don't know who you messing with man, I slap people for fun. That's what I do man! You wanna play rough, huh, I kill for fun!

Hard though it may be to accept, remember that guilt is sometimes a friendly internal voice reminding you that you're messing up.

But I've been freestyling and messing around with rhyming since I was 13. That's when I really started listening to hip-hop music.

The process of composition, messing around with paragraphs and trying to make really good prose, is hardwired into my personality.

'Humans of New York' did not result from a flash on inspiration. It grew from five years of experimenting, tinkering, and messing up.

When you walk away from a really wonderful job like that, you start messing with everyone's priorities. It's like you're dissing them.

I was quite naughty at school. I was always in the back of the class messing about with the Bunsen burner rather than paying attention.

A sense of play is important when I'm writing, and so messing around with, say, a magic routine can feel like play, at least initially.

I'm the type of guy that's always having a joke, messing around, but when it comes to the serious stuff, you know, your head's on the game.

I got to learn what does and doesn't work on screen. Because the turnaround is so fast, there's no messing around. You have to be on the ball.

It's always fun messing around with costumes and stuff. You know there is an element of acting that you've got to dress-up; that's part of it.

When I prepare, I am not messing around. I find the right places, the right people, and the right environment. Iceland is one of those places.

On Christmas, when I was 13, my mom got me my first laptop. I downloaded it, FruityLoops, cause I had heard about it, and started messing around.

Stop messing around sending me unranked fighters. I want someone ranked, someone that will take me closer to my goal, which is to become champion.

I've always had a fascination about mixing music. So I downloaded an application and started messing around with it, and it just built up from there.

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