By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is ...

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

There is a point at which methods devour themselves.

I have no methods; all I do is accept people as they are.

Participation, I think, or one of the best methods of educating.

Scaling is multidimensional. Different methods address different things.

Our goal: the Islamization of Muslims. Our methods: to believe and to struggle.

We can learn something from Marxist thinking, but we cannot follow Marxist methods.

Success cannot come from standstill men. Methods change and men must change with them.

Families homeschool for different reasons, in unique situations, using a variety of methods.

But man has still another powerful resource: natural science with its strictly objective methods.

He who seeks for methods without having a definite problem in mind seeks in the most part in vain.

When my shoulder problems started, basic methods like massages and icing the shoulder did not help.

Merit, however inconsiderable, should be sought for and rewarded. Methods are the master of masters.

We believe that the future of health care is going to involve a mix of old and new methods of treatment.

Sportsmanship and easygoing methods are all right, but it is the prospect of a hot fight that brings out the crowds.

I have made speeches urging women to adopt methods of rebellion such as have been adopted by men in every revolution.

On the one hand, the rich look askance at our continuing poverty - on the other, they warn us against their own methods.

Natural Family Planning works and is as effective, and sometimes more effective, than the birth control methods out there.

The methods by which a trade union can alone act, are necessarily destructive; its organization is necessarily tyrannical.

The blood pigment haemoglobin is a compound which can be split by diverse methods into its constituents, pigment and protein.

I find it fascinating that you can look at the same problem from different perspectives and approach it using different methods.

I thoroughly believe that shaving is the best way of hair removal, as it's the most convenient and hassle free of all the methods.

It's not just that I'm a woman of color running for office. It's the way that I ran. It's the way that my identity formed my methods.

Greatness is not manifested by unlimited pragmatism, which places such a high premium on the end justifying any means and any methods.

A new era doesn't come from nothing. New thoughts, values and methods will be established after overcoming various hurdles on the way.

I believe there is little to gain by exchanging opinions with other artists concerning either the ideology of art or technical methods.

Vastly more important than all questions with regard to methods of preaching is the root question as to what it is that shall be preached.

Kim Il Sung University should set an example for all other universities of the country to follow in introducing innovative teaching methods.

Healthy, sustainable food production methods give us food that is nutritionally better and with fewer pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones.

Everyone who remembers his own education remembers teachers, not methods and techniques. The teacher is the heart of the educational system.

We can best help you to prevent war not by repeating your words and following your methods but by finding new words and creating new methods.

Let a man live with God, not afraid to talk with him. Let him study God's plans and methods, as one of Michelangelo's pupils might study his.

Life and liberty can be as much endangered from illegal methods used to convict those thought to be criminals as from the actual criminals themselves.

That the way to achieve higher standards of living for all is through science and technology, taking advantage of better tools, methods and organization.

Private funding was one of the first methods used when MIT funded Bitcoin core developers Gavin Andresen, Wladimir van der Laan, and Cory Fields in 2015.

It would be naive to think that the problems plaguing mankind today can be solved with means and methods which were applied or seemed to work in the past.

Methods of thought which claim to give the lead to our world in the name of revolution have become, in reality, ideologies of consent and not of rebellion.

The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men - men of prayer.

Fashion and style are a language - they helps us communicate with each other in a creative way. Style is one of the most important methods of self-expression.

Crime is terribly revealing. Try and vary your methods as you will, your tastes, your habits, your attitude of mind, and your soul is revealed by your actions.

We can continue to make significant strides in the scientific community by exploring new stem cell research methods that do not include destroying human embryos.

My biggest challenge is cooking traditional French dishes, which usually require very specific techniques and methods. That's just not my style... I cook from the soul.

Congress's definition of torture in those laws - the infliction of severe mental or physical pain - leaves room for interrogation methods that go beyond polite conversation.

Unfortunately it makes the unambiguous determination of triplets by these methods much more difficult than would be the case if there were only one triplet for each amino acid.

My mother very rarely skipped a Thanksgiving turkey. And yet, none of them ever tasted quite the same, landing somewhere on a sliding scale of succulence. She'd try new methods.

There are two methods in software design. One is to make the program so simple, there are obviously no errors. The other is to make it so complicated, there are no obvious errors.

In the '80s, I wore these glasses because I was trying to look like a square to outsmart the po-po, you feel me? It was what we call 'throw off methods.' So I wear little glasses.

Philosophy has to be enquiring; it can take nothing on faith, and its methods are based not on the blind acceptance of authority, but on establishing truths by reason and argument.

The discovery that light elements could be disintegrated by artificially accelerated particles gave an additional impetus to development work on the various methods of producing them.

There are three methods to gaining wisdom. The first is reflection, which is the highest. The second is limitation, which is the easiest. The third is experience, which is the bitterest.

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