Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman.

I seem to fancy middle-aged men, weirdly.

Middle-aged life is merry, and I love to lead it.

Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men.

I really do have this thing for middle-aged politicians.

I dress up as a middle-aged prostitute and do a game show.

I don't have any children; I have four middle-aged people.

I'm not always in that good with middle-aged heterosexual men.

I feel like I have so many middle-aged women who look up to me.

Underneath this tired, middle-aged exterior, I'm an 11 year old kid.

An unskilled middle-aged man can work in the mines, and it pays well.

I don't like that politics is associated with middle-aged, greying men.

A lot of middle-aged women are children still trying to find their way.

I'm as prone to 'declinism' as the next over-mortgaged middle-aged guy.

Country music historically has been sort of middle-aged people's music.

Only the middle-aged have all their five senses in the keeping of their wits.

He carried his childhood like a hurt warm bird held to his middle-aged breast.

I hate most of what constitutes rock music, which is basically middle-aged crap.

All I have is me. Over-worked, under-appreciated, middle-aged, and shriveled up.

Most middle-aged white men probably don't know about little old Stormzy from London.

It amazes me. I'm just a fat, middle-aged, bald guy, but people still want to meet me.

You can't ask someone to act middle-aged. Someone has to bring their own fatigue to it.

The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything.

Men who are orthodox when they are young are in danger of being middle-aged all their lives.

You can (be a middle-aged comic) if you work very hard at it, because comedy is really hard.

I have become that middle-aged woman who listens to the 'Hamilton' soundtrack in my kitchen.

No matter how old a mother is she watches her middle-aged children for signs of improvement.

I am essentially a middle-aged woman who likes making up weird snack combinations and galloping.

People that are orthodox when they are young are in danger of being middle-aged all their lives.

I accidentally make innuendos all the time without even realising. I'm middle-aged, in that sense.

The state of the industry is much like the state of politics. It's too middle-aged, white, and male.

I don't want a middle-aged white man telling me how to write my feelings. It's not gonna work for me.

For some reason I seem to be a massive hit with middle-aged women. I seriously don't know what it is.

I'm concerned, as I guess all middle-aged people are, about the younger generations' level of literacy.

Europe to me is young people trying to appear middle-aged and middle-aged people trying to appear young.

I think the main thing I'd bring to Chewbacca is middle-aged spread. Chewbacca has looked after himself.

My mom wouldn't let me buy clothes she didn't like, so I dressed like a middle-aged woman in high school.

I'm a white, middle-aged, married, middle-class male with kids. I couldn't be disenfranchised if I tried.

I've played so many historical characters because most horrible dictators are short, fat, middle-aged men.

When a middle-aged man says in a moment of weariness that he is half dead, he is telling the literal truth.

Public and employer opinion often defeat society's best interests with a prejudice against middle-aged women.

There are very few record companies who will entertain a middle-aged woman coming to them with original material.

We're all weirdly single, middle-aged women with too much money who look to fill the void with too much shopping.

You shouldn't be learning how to code when you're middle-aged. You should be learning how to code when you're a kid.

The middle-aged woman is the ground bed of the audience that watches television, and yet they are absolutely invisible.

I would describe myself as a tallish, shy, middle-aged man who equally loves his work and his freedom. And a good liar!

It's kind of true, you do disappear off the planet if you are a middle-aged woman, but that has some advantages as well.

There's a crystallization that goes on in a poem which the young man can bring off, but which the middle-aged man can't.

It's almost a rite of passage for the middle-aged, it seems, to invent generational stereotypes for dumping on the young.

I've always said golf can be a turn-off - all those middle-aged men in bad jumpers. I want to be a bit more of a character.

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