My Millennials, 'stay woke'.

Millennials don't go to rallies.

Millennials want to live in urban areas.

Millennials are the experiences generation.

I feel less connected with Millennials than ever.

Vice has done a great job at talking to millennials.

Young African - millennials really love Barack Obama.

Millennials aren't looking for a hipper Christianity.

Hillary's [Clinton] got some problems with Millennials.

In the world of millennials we are running very strong .

Everyone knows how hard it can be to market to millennials.

I don't want to be just a lifestyle guru for the millennials.

A lot of the language about Millennials is extremely gendered.

These Millennials are volunteering more; they're smarter than ever.

Millennials get a bad rap sometimes about their grit and perseverance.

Not all Millennials think alike. A demographic is not a psychographic.

I always felt there was kind of a millennial aspect to The Sex Pistols.

If boomers were always looking to shock, millennials are eager to share.

I think the American Dream is kind of a myth, especially for millennials.

We are millennials, and we love complaining more than any other generation.

The reality is that the economic situation for millennials is not a good one.

Millennials are eager to make an impact, which makes them ideal for start-ups.

The reason why Millennials are inspiring is what they give: the music they give.

It seems like the millennial generation is a little bit of a cultural punching bag.

We're (millennials) looking for a truer Christianity, a more authentic Christianity.

I'm very encouraged by millennials and their drive to make the world a better place.

What I notice a lot about millennials is that they have agency over their sexuality.

Why do you think millennials are so into food? It's the way they relate to each other.

My church is fifty percent millennials. There's a connectivity between millennials and I.

95% of millennials say their friends are the most credible source of product information.

I'm nicknaming millennials 'the purpose generation' because we're making so many decisions.

I don't know what happened to the millennials. I think too much coddling is not a good thing.

Who's more annoying to work with, boomers or millennials? Depends on how you feel about emojis.

What millennials really want from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance.

Millennials grew up realizing that they can get the job done without having to go to the office.

When it comes to the Democratic party, all you need to do is look at the ideology of Millennials.

Millennials expect to create a better future, using the collaborative power of digital technology.

Millennials really don't perceive hierarchies. They either don't perceive them or don't like them.

'Millennials' has become a kind of modern swearword, a slur directed at people in their early 20s.

I don't have any presidential aspirations. If the millennials want me to do it, I'd do it, though.

Millennials can be very hardworking, but it's easier to tell the story of the ones who are entitled.

I always thought millennials are going westward, and they probably won't understand vernacular poetry.

Millennials' tech and global savvy will make them instrumental in shaping our mobile future worldwide.

Where people work and their environment is becoming more and more important, especially for millennials.

I felt that no self-help book had been written for millennials yet, so my ultimate goal was to write it.

I fully endorse the millennial goals to make (hunger) history, ... Those are big goals, but it's do-able.

I have been adopted by the millennials, and I'm enjoying every minute of it! I'm learning a new language.

Will Generation X and the Millennials do a better job running the world than the boomers have? Let's hope so.

Millennials want to work for organizations that prioritize purpose as well as profit. It's as simple as that.

For millennials, being a geek is a positive thing, and we see people proudly self-identifying themselves as geeks.

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