We cannot undo the past in this misguided war in Iraq.

Indifference is a misguided way of defending ourselves.

We live in a world of guided missiles and misguided men.

Few things are so deadly as a misguided sense of compassion.

People make snap judgments about me that are frequently misguided.

We are tired of Obama's empty speeches and his misguided rhetoric.

Perhaps misguided moral passion is better than confused indifference.

People who say that the Internet is the bubble are incredibly misguided.

I don't care if Rick Ross is 40 years old -- he's a misguided 40-year-old person.

Taxpayer money should not have to be spent to save a misguided and mismanaged enterprise.

I've done things, sometimes foolishly misguided, because I wanted to give back to the fans.

Derision is never so agonizing as when it pounces on the wanderings of misguided sensibility.

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.

There seemed to be some correlation between devotion to God and a misguided zeal for marshmallows.

I wanted to, you know, get my story out in the world, which, it turns out, is a very misguided notion.

My head was full of tidying tips, and I had complete, albeit misguided, confidence that I could tidy any place.

People are still under the misguided impression that models don't eat. Not sure about the other girls, but I do!

We cannot afford four more years of this misguided socialist policies from President Obama and his administration.

The conservative candidate who ignores moderates is as misguided as the moderate candidate who ignores conservatives.

Kashmiri people should not get misguided by pro-Pakistani elements and remember that their future is linked to India.

We need to be calling out the flaws and misguided decisions of the Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration.

Anyone who's onstage is going to attract a certain number of misguided people. But I was never very interested in groupies.

Forgiveness ... is the finishing of old business that allows us to experience the present, free of contamination from the past.

The fact is, when you are young, if you are mingling with wrong people, you tend to be misguided. You tend to be brainwashed easily.

Conservatives consider liberals well-intentioned, but misguided. Liberals consider conservatives not only wrong, but really, really bad people.

New Orleans is a great place, a place of celebration. But on the other hand, there's a reality to it, there's violence, there's misguided youth.

Misguided economic and tax policies have hampered growth, allowing the rich to become richer while turning the middle class into the working poor.

I have liberal friends. They are misguided, they are wrong. I disagree with them. I don't want them to vote. I want them to go on vacation in November.

Disciples who are steadfast and immovable do not become fanatics or extremists, are not overzealous, and are not preoccupied with misguided gospel hobbies.

The fight against international terrorism isn't just a fight against a bunch of misguided extremists; it is a fight to defend the values that we hold dear.

It's absolutely shameful that Rep. Grijalva would try to use tribes as political pawns to implement the misguided agenda of extremist environmental groups.

It's useful for activists just to be out there to keep you mindful and not get complacent, even if ultimately you think some of their criticism is misguided.

Laurel Canyon and Dawes have become linked in a way that I think is misguided, frankly, to tell a new fan what we sound like. But at one point maybe it wasn't.

People value that part of knowledge which is known. They do not know how to avail themselves of the Unknown in order to reach knowledge. Is this not misguided?

I think quite a misguided literary culture has grown up in the 20th century that says a book has to have a seriousness of purpose and a seriousness of language.

More and more, the Democrats are not merely inconsistent, wrong and/or misguided - they are the worst of all possible things you can be in Washington: irrelevant.

Your character is always right. No real person thinks they're being stupid or misguided or bigoted or evil or just plain wrong - so your characters can't, either.

Martin Luther King was a misguided leader. He worked to be recognized as the leader of black America when what black America needs isn't a leader, it is education.

A reforming liberal leader in Russia is the Holy Grail of Kremlinology, but the search for one is as misguided and hopeless as that for the relic of the Last Supper.

There's an admirable belief about the virtues of meritocracy - that the best ideas prove the best results. It's a wrong and misguided belief by well-intentioned people.

For me, there is nothing that encapsulates both our misguided response to the attacks of September 11th and the entire Iraq war itself more than a sense of lost opportunity.

It is criminal to put our servicemen and women in harm's way and to put the lives of so many civilians on the line for the misguided frustrations of the Bush administration.

Through the misguided notion that writing about flying was easy, I had McCone become a pilot. When I learned that research in books wasn't enough, I forced myself to take lessons.

I have never indulged our society's misguided notion that my personal life is relevant to my work, so any reporting surrounding that is necessarily hearsay, speculation or fantasy.

There is no way to undo what happened in the Zimmerman-Martin encounter, but some good can still come of it: it could lead states to repeal their misguided 'Stand your ground' laws.

In talking about my cancer with family and friends, I feel the love that I know will get me through this. The old strategy of suffering in silence could not have been more misguided.

Terrorism and extremism bear different names and labels. It uses diverse causes. But in each case, it is driven by distortion of religion and a misguided belief in its power to succeed.

Jews have suffered persecution from misguided Christians who tortured the Jews for their part in killing Christ. These Christians forgot that Christ died because of the sins of all men.

The Export-Import Bank's long legacy of crony capitalism has hurt the livelihoods and businesses of many Americans who don't get special treatment from this misguided government program.

In the physical world, we would never blame the victim of the assault for that assault taking place, but yet we do so all the time in the cyber world. I think that's completely misguided.

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