I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt ...

I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.

A lot of people feel very good about Mitt Romney and I think he's ...

A lot of people feel very good about Mitt Romney and I think he's going to do a great job.

I think Mitt Romney is a good man.

Mitt Romney, quite simply, doesn't get it.

Mitt Romney comes from a family of builders.

There's no love lost between me and Mitt Romney.

I wouldn't argue that Mitt Romney is a white supremacist.

I was a Mitt Romney Republican because he was pro-business.

I've always viewed Mitt Romney as a very conservative person.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm running against Mitt Romney or Sen. Hatch.

Mitt Romney has spent his entire life finding ways to solve problems.

Both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich supported the Wall Street bailout.

At the end of the day, Mitt Romney and Ann Romney are two fine people.

I was governor of Kansas when Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts.

Unlike Mitt Romney, President Obama is standing up for Planned Parenthood.

Mitt Romney is a nice guy. But, we know where nice guys finish in politics.

Mitt Romney has outdone himself in choosing Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

Remember, many Republicans didn't vote for Mitt Romney. He didn't inspire people.

When it comes to letting people marry whomever they love, Mitt Romney says, 'No.'

Mitt Romney has a proven job creation record as governor and in the private sector.

Mitt Romney has made it clear that he believes that President Obama was born in the U.S.

Mitt Romney turned businesses around in the private sector. He saved the Winter Olympics.

I'm industrious. Ambitious. I'm like the gay Mitt Romney... That's a terrible thing to say.

But Mitt Romney understands, like I understand, that people - not governments - create jobs.

Mitt Romney, happens to have the exact skill set that the next president's going to require.

You can say that Mitt Romney started with nothing! He didn't get an inheritance from his dad.

Is Mitt Romney a bully? And the answer is, no... He does not have a vicious bone in his body.

While anchoring at Boston's WCVB-TV, I reported on Mitt Romney's run for Massachusetts governor.

In the end, that's what it comes down to with Mitt Romney. He's running as the non-Barack Obama.

My dream part would be to play Mitt Romney's sarcastic black maid. We could call it 'Mammy & Me.'

I've talked to Mitt Romney. He's not going to run for this seat. I would be glad for him if he would.

In choosing Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney made a fantastic choice and a bold statement to the American people.

As his partner on this amazing journey, I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success. He built it.

Mitt has a ton of consultants, and not one of them thought he needed a credible answer on Bain or taxes?

Mitt Romney is the guy who said corporations are people. No, Governor Romney, corporations are not people.

Things are not getting better. They are getting worse. We need to elect Mitt Romney to turn things around.

Mitt Romney, you can criticize him for a lot of things, and that's fair, but he knows how the economy works.

Even at the end of a presidential election campaign, we have no way to know what Mitt Romney really believes.

Mitt Romney understands the private sector, he understands how profit is created, and he isn't embarrassed by it.

Mitt Romney subscribes to the cynical logic that says the American dream belongs to some of us but not all of us.

Within the cult of Wall Street that forged Mitt Romney, making money justifies any behavior, no matter how venal.

Mitt Romney saying that Barack Obama gets an F is one of the most ridiculous things that he has said in this race.

I think baseball - the baseball genre - is this mitt, to use a double pun there, to catch a whole bunch of themes.

In my lifetime, Mitt Romney is the most qualified leader I've ever seen run for the presidency of the United States.

Mitt Romney not only believes in the values of economic freedom. His entire life has been committed to advancing it.

If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan get elected to the White House, Medicare will be bankrupt by the end of their first term.

After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround, and the man for the job is Governor Mitt Romney.

Donald Trump, unlikely Mitt Romney, is not awkward about his money. He has absolutely no qualms about saying, 'I'm rich.'

I don't like Mitt Romney. I wouldn't vote for Mitt Romney in a million years. Mitt Romney is no ally of the gay community.

Mitt Romney is to presidential campaigns as the Delta House grade point average was to Faber College - the worst in history.

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