You are born modern, you do not become so.

And yet what is Modernism? It is undefined.

Postmodernism is Modernism with Alzheimer's.

Pop art is the inedible raised to the unspeakable.

The modernist writers found despair inspirational.

My definition of modernism took a while to develop.

It is as if only irrelevance can be promoted as art.

Postmodernism is silly and joyless at the same time.

Modernism is the protein of our cultural imagination.

Post-modernism is modernism with the optimism taken out.

When you get to be 103, modernism is a very wide concept.

I'm really a fighter against modernism equaling brutalism.

French design hardly exists, except as artificial modernism.

Modernism: the books are as hard to understand as life itself.

Modernism was influenced by what they call a primativist ethic.

what exactly is postmodernism, except modernism without the anxiety?

Modernism probably wouldn't have happened without lesbians in Paris.

What interests me, and has always interested me, has been modernism.

The arts generally have had to recognize Modernism - how should poetry escape?

Conservatism is itself a modernism, and in this lies the secret of its success.

There is a frantic race to merchandise tinsel and trash under the guise of 'modernism.'

When you automate an industry you modernize it; when you automate a life you primitivize it.

Builders eventually took advantage of the look of modernism to build cheaply and carelessly.

In the society of men the truth resides now less in what things are than in what they are not.

Postmodernism is among other things a sick joke at the expense of... revolutionary avant-gardism.

I have never been against new art as such; some of it is good, much is crap, most is somewhere in between.

It's impossible in our postmodern era for anyone to be original - for anybody to do what Jackson Pollock did.

Modernism released us from the constraints of everything that had gone before with a euphoric sense of freedom.

The notion that you could discard the old world and now make a new one. This is what was so bad about Modernism.

We try to turn buildings into landscapes - defying the idea of modernism which sees nature and buildings as two distinct elements.

Modernism is typically defined as the condition that begins when people realize God is truly dead, and we are therefore on our own.

My work as a painter has always been tied to Modernism. I read everything I could find related to art, from Paul Cézanne through the 1950s.

In 1939, Orwell wrote a long essay titled 'Inside the Whale,' about modernism, the nineteen-thirties, Henry Miller, and 'Tropic of Cancer.'

Modernism was born in part out of the need to find fresh ways of expression, to describe a new world that was unlike anything that had gone before.

A lot of '20s musicals were a hodgepodge of melodrama, mixed with operetta and romance, and then some sense of modernism and some sense of irreverence.

I never did calligraphy... But handwriting is an entirely different kind of thing. It's part of the syndrome of modernism... It's part of that asceticism.

Because of the need to remove all modernism, we stayed in the middle of nowhere all day long, living out of tents. It was cold. It definitely set the scene.

I started thinking that if post modernism is about people opening up all their skeletons, I'm going the other way. I don't want anyone knowing anything about me anymore.

People tend to see modernism as the opposite of a celebration. They see it as a fracturing and an art built round an absence, but it's really a celebration of our existence.

As for critical writing about modernism, its moments of lucidity are but fulgurations illuminating the dark and incomprehensible landscape of its subject's unabashed difficulty.

Post-Modernism was a reaction against Modernism. It came quite early to music and literature, and a little later to architecture. And I think it's still coming to computer science.

Modernism in Vienna brought together science and culture in a new way to create an Age of Insight that emphasized a more complex view of the human mind than had ever existed before.

Without this spirit, Modernist architecture cannot fully exist. Since there is often a mismatch between the logic and the spirit of Modernism, I use architecture to reconcile the two.

The fundamental dogma of Modernism - that, if the past is irrelevant to the future, then today is irrelevant to tomorrow - has created a throwaway society of disposable objects. That is sick.

You could never hide yourself in these places - in Mies's Farnsworth house, for example. That was a mistake of Modernism. People need places to hide from each other, too. You need everything.

From the outset, MoMA followed the Bauhaus's strict prohibition against design that even hinted at the decorative, a prejudice that skewed the pioneering museum's view of Modernism for decades.

'Canticum Sacrum' is wonderfully archaic. What Stravinsky does is extraordinary. It takes you on a journey from Gregorian chant right through to the modernism of Webern - and all in 17 minutes.

The role of the architect as artist is an ancient one, but it was de-emphasized with the rise of modernism, which rejected the drawing-based Beaux-Arts tradition in favor of a more technocratic approach.

Throughout history, cities have been associated with incredible bursts of creative energy - the Renaissance in Florence, or modernism in Paris. London is the cultural metropolis of the early 21st century.

Postmodernism came nowhere close in quality to Modernism at its apogee, not least because that later style wholly lacked the social impetus that animated the designs most emblematic of the Modern Movement.

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