I was a soldier in WWII. The last couple of months of the war I was actually in combat.

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.

You have to wait six months to purchase a fuel efficient automobile made from overseas.

I learned to yodel pretty well. It took me a few months, but I eventually perfected it.

This is days and days and months and years and all the minutes in between, just you me.

I do road gigs occasionally but I don't want to go out on the road for months at a time.

To this day, my haircut is the number two clippers, which I apply to myself every month.

Day buries day; month, month; and year the year: Our life is but a chain of many deaths.

I asked a couple of months ago if anyone would like to start picketing the gas stations.

I spent 26 years in the business without ever knowing what I was doing a month from now.

Women are affected by lunar tides only once a month; men have raging hormones every day.

If I'm lucky, in a month from now, best-case scenario, I'm managing a Cinnabon in Omaha.

If you really want to kill morale, have layoffs every two months for the next two years.

Some couples go over their budgets very carefully every month. Others just go over them.

If I don't have at least 4 or 5 failures a month, I feel like I'm not trying hard enough

I don't smoke often, maybe once or twice a month, but it makes me feel sexy and romantic.

If people just put away what's left at the end of the month, that's a recipe for failure.

I was on 'Search for Tomorrow' for about nine months, then 'Another World' for two years.

Here's to five miserable months on the wagon and the irreparable harm that it's caused me.

A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library.

Back then though, you had a few months of training, and then you were just thrown into it.

I don't see that anybody needs to earn $12 million for three months' work, quite honestly.

I always get very fit if I'm going away filming for two months in Afghanistan or wherever.

I might work on a painting for a month, but it has too look like I painted it in a minute.

James Franco has diligently studied my style for months on end and he should win a Grammy.

You're playing worse and worse every day and right now you're playing like it's next month.

Bump in my hoopty hoopty hoop. I own that. And I aint payin my rent this month. I owe that.

I had a cancer scare in the early 90s, and for a few months, I wondered if I would make it.

Fashion is OK for five days, one minute, six months, but style is for the rest of the life.

When you're getting $2,000 a month in the minors, it's hard not to eat Taco Bell every day.

There's no huge, deep message in any of the songs. We recorded a few months of being human.

The Britney Spears movie was just fun and light, but let's talk about that in a few months.

I had a cancer scare in the early '90s, and for a few months, I wondered if I would make it.

The biggest thing I’ve heard for the last four months is, ‘Thanks for ruining my childhood’.

I've been campaigning for 17 of the last 24 months. I'm ready to legislate and not campaign.

Well, I've just gotten accustomed to just being in Canada for five and a half months a year.

Every two months, I would get an email, 'Skeleton Twins update: still don't have the money!'

I went to Queen's University Belfast and stayed nine months, then I ran away to be an actor.

Seeing The English Patient is wonderfully draining, but imagine acting in it for six months.

The most important event I covered was the Panama Canal debate, which dragged on for months.

About two months into the Whisky, I borrowed some money and rented a remote recording truck.

After 27 years, I walked out of my first one a few months ago. Black Sheep with Chris Farley.

I'm not biting my fingernails. I'm biting my knuckles. I finished the fingernails months ago.

I ended up in the US for a month or so, before moving to Montreal with some Romanian friends.

Not yesterday I learned to know The love of bare November days Before the coming of the snow.

I use the computer as a paintbrush. It enables me to do in hours what would have taken months.

I've never not appeared in front of a live audience for any longer period than a month or two.

In the past few months, I've become convinced of one thing: If I were a man, I'd be paid more.

Whenever I see a stock market explode, six to 12 months later you are in a full blown recovery.

If you are serious about volleyball, the only months to stop playing are those without a vowel.

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