I grew up as a Mormon.

I would vote for a Mormon.

The Book of Mormon Is the Word of God.

A whole lot of Americans have never met a Mormon.

Even my Mormon sister checks my rankings on Amazon.com.

Colorado's right next to Utah - you know, Mormon Central.

I'm a very spiritual person, and proud of my Mormon roots.

I grew up Mormon. I wasn't really Mormon, my parents were.

My good friends are Mormon, some of the best people I know.

There are very close ties between the Jewish and Mormon people.

I don't know any Mormon that doesn't have warm memories of their family.

In 2011, I earned a Tony nomination for my role in 'The Book of Mormon.'

I never thought Oregon would elect to the U.S. Senate a Mormon, but it did.

My mom is this liberal, feminist, Mormon powerhouse. I just love her to death.

From the Book of Mormon, we learn how disciples of Christ live in times of war.

I grew up quite poor, and the Mormon church was always there for us as a family.

I grew up in the Mormon Church and I have a very strange relationship with that.

I do feel a need as a Mormon to speak out against things that are hurting people.

Reading the Book of Mormon is one of the greatest persuaders to get men on missions.

I love cranberry juice, but I'm not a coffee drinker - as a Mormon, I avoid caffeine.

All the changes that have happened in my career have been since I left the Mormon faith.

I still feel Mormon. Those men in Salt Lake City can't decide who's Mormon and who isn't.

Take away the Book of Mormon and the revelations, and where is our religion? We have none.

I'm as thrilled watching Mark Rylance do Shakespeare as I am watching 'The Book of Mormon.'

I still love the theology of the Mormon religion and think it is a wonderful way to grow up.

Founded by a Mormon couple in Utah in 2012, The Color Run has proved to be a brilliant idea.

Why can't she move in with you? Is she against that? She's not a Mormon or anything, is she?

After 'Urinetown,' 'Avenue Q' and now 'Mormon,' is there an envelope remaining to be pushed?

Trying to fuse a Jewish-Russian family with a Mormon family from Utah definitely is a challenge.

The only social rule you recognized in high school was that Mormon girls don't date non-Mormons.

I don't think Arizonans are interested in having the Mormon religion dictate public policy to them.

Being a Mormon is not a part-time religion. It is your life. You eat, sleep, and breathe Mormonism.

Well, my father's people were Mormon, and had immigrated not long after Brigham Young had settled Utah.

The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ. It confounds false doctrines and lays down contention.

When you're doing a show like 'The Book of Mormon,' you're completely spent by the time the show is over.

I can tell you, if I'm elected president, it won't be on the Koran, and it won't be on the Book of Mormon.

As a Southerner and as a Mormon you approach life in this aspirational way: 'I will rise above my station.'

You're either Mormon or Southern Baptist in my family. They're incredibly conservative and I love my family.

I challenge the homes of Israel to display on their walls great quotations and scenes from the Book of Mormon.

Indeed, the Lord has not forgotten! He has blessed us and others throughout the world with the Book of Mormon.

Most of my family is still active in the Mormon Church. They live in Utah and Provo and Orem and Salt Lake City.

I hope that, somewhere, Mom and Dad are proud that little Walter is performing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Elder McKinley wants his homosexuality to be turned off. To be a perfect Mormon, he has to put his feelings away.

Trey Parker did 'Book of Mormon.' It's the best Broadway show I've ever seen. He does 'South Park.' It's wonderful.

I have a vision of homes alerted, of classes alive, and of pulpits aflame with the spirit of Book of Mormon messages.

That's the dirty little secret of Mormon growth. Lots of baptisms don't necessarily translate into long-term membership.

When the 'Book of Mormon' was first published, some of those who believed in it taught it to others and testified of it.

I've never met a Mormon I didn't like. They're really nice people. They're so Disney. They're so Rodgers and Hammerstein.

I think the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is as great as it is because it's become it's a labor of love. They love what they do.

The first choral music I remember hearing was Handel's 'Messiah' when the Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast it over the radio.

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