I'm Mr. Romance.

I'm not Mr. Brooding.

I loved 'Mr & Mrs Iyer.'

I owe Mr. Bergman so much.

I hope Mr. Obama has success.

I am Mr. 'Toot it and Boot It.'

My first character was Mr. Toad.

Nobody can be like Mr. Bachchan.

Television's Mr. Filth: that's me.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!

Mr. Hitchcock knew what he was doing.

I don't think I can play Mr. Bachchan.

I'm Mr Boring, not a party-goer at all.

Mr. Morgan buys his partners; I grow my own.

I hope I can do a better job than Mr. Bettman.

Mr. Snowden is a coward who has chosen to run.

I like being called 'Mr. Freeman' occasionally.

I think every girl is looking for her Mr. Darcy.

Mike Watt and I had the same teacher. Mr. Tanaka.

I think Mr Trump is going to be a good president.

I'm young enough not to be a rival to Mr. Basescu.

I like Mr. Gorbachev, we can do business together.

Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation's highest office.

My dad taught me; Mr. Steven Seagal taught me, also.

My grandchildren just know me now as Mr. Potato Head.

I invite Mr. Lee Chong Wei to visit China frequently.

I think Mr. Trump and Paul Ryan have a lot in common.

I'm not Mr. Goody-Good or anything, but I'm not stupid.

It is a lot of pressure to prepare for the Mr. Olympia.

I don't think Mr. Putin has our best interests at heart.

It's a dog eat dog world, and Mr. Perfect is a Milk Bone.

I am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama.

When we go somewhere in New York, I'm known as Mr. Savini.

Mr. Breton didn't know about location, location, location.

Mr. Brad Delp. J'ai une ame solitaire. I am a lonely soul.

When dad told me Mr Steptoe had passed away, I broke down.

I pray to the shrine of 'Mr. Show.' It saved sketch comedy.

Mr. Disney believed everyone was still a child deep inside.

My first job was at a Chicago night club called Mr. Kelly's.

Mr. Trump is unifying the party, and I applaud him for that.

I was indeed very critical of Mr. Trump during his campaign.

Mr. Henry James writes fiction as if it were a painful duty.

I don't know of any plans to remaster the Mr Mister catalog.

I know I am right for Scarlett. I can convince Mr. Selznick.

Mr. Wagner has beautiful moments but bad quarters of an hour.

Mr. James Joyce is a great man who is entirely without taste.

You don't say hello to Mr. DeNiro? Show the respect, will ya?

I got the Mr. Incredible mold - the 3D, you know - it's cool.

Mr. Lennon would want me free, and I'd like to clear that up.

I think Mr. Wilson will have to be the rest of the way alone.

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