Let muddy water stand and it will become clear.

Well, one of the best things is workin' with Muddy.

I definitely played on a lot of muddy northern pitches.

Hardly a day goes by without me sticking on a Muddy Waters record.

I'd rather sink with a bad theory than swim with muddy pragmatism.

I always dress scruffily, but at weekends I live in muddy Wellies.

I rambled all the time. I was just like that, like a rollin' stone.

The first band I identified with from Chicago was the Muddy Waters band.

All the muddy waters of my life cleared up when I gave myself to Christ.

Invention flags, his brain goes muddy, And black despair succeeds brown study.

Marriage may often be a stormy lake, but celibacy is almost always a muddy horse pond.

People said my records were 'funky' and 'muddy,' but the truth is they were just demos.

I grew up listening to Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf and lots of blues, R&B and Motown.

I love Muddy Waters and Nina Simone. I also watched 'The Blues Brothers' movie over and over.

Little Walter and Muddy Waters were incredible. And Bo Diddley was doing some great stuff, too.

When I started workin' with Muddy. That convinced me that I could get away with doin' the blues.

The best slide guitar, unless you're playing the Muddy Waters-style, is the old '52 Goldtop Les Paul.

You had to go to a different part of town from where I was to get Muddy Waters singles. I had him on singles.

I conquered my phobia of camping, although I doubt I'll be pitching my tent at a muddy festival any time soon.

The whole 'Muddy Waters' title is not about things look or how deep it can get or it can be. It's just the slouchiness of the album.

It was awesome growing up listening to Oasis and Paolo Nutini, but I also loved growing up listening to Ray Charles and Muddy Waters.

My influences were the riff-based blues coming from Chicago in the Fifties - Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and Billy Boy Arnold records.

I loved the game so much that even though our playing field was muddy and we had many trees on it, I used to play many hours every day.

I have only a mind to live, to enjoy - i.e., to work as an artist, and produce my works; but not for the muddy brains of the common herd.

I made the decision that I could either go outside in the freezing cold in the wind and rain and get muddy or just stay inside and be a rock star.

An adventure may be worn as a muddy spot or it may be worn as a proud insignia. It is the woman wearing it who makes it the one thing or the other.

In English, my name means hope. In Spanish, it means too many letters. It means sadness. It means waiting. It is like the number nine, a muddy color.

I'm not trying to top the 'Muddy Waters' album. What I'm doing by naming it 'Muddy Waters 2' is to let you relive that '90s kind of sound and experience.

I just love football. I've always enjoyed doing it - being outside with my mates, getting really muddy and dirty and smelly. It's something I always loved.

This whole thing about winning and losing is muddy waters. But I can remember, as a young actor, just walking around this city and not being able to get arrested.

Muddy Waters, I suppose, was my first great hero. You know, every boy wants to be a guitar player, and Muddy Waters was just the king. He was the King Bee. He was it.

At the Muddy Waters thing, I played the first song by myself on an acoustic guitar. I thought that was great that y'all did that tribute to Muddy Waters. I had a real good time.

God knows I'm a good guy, I'm known in the industry as a good guy. I'm not known to be a foul, evil dude that you've got to watch out for and my name is not muddy in the industry.

Science, which cuts its way through the muddy pond of daily life without mingling with it, casts its wealth to right and left, but the puny boatmen do not know how to fish for it.

Sometimes it's hard to play someone so similar to you, because you can muddy the character. Often, it's easier to play someone further away from you, because it's clearer who they are.

My dad was a blues musician around Dublin when I was a baby, so the only music I would listen to growing up was John Lee Hooker and Muddy Waters. It's music that feels like home to me.

Close to my heart is Muddy Waters. I love the way he sang. It was almost like a bark. It was like the bark of a dog: it's not fancy. Sometimes it's not like singing; it's like shouting.

When I left Free back in 1972, I didn't play 'All Right Now' until about 1996, when I was touring with Jason Bonham, and we were supporting the tribute record we had done to Muddy Waters.

After years of touring you experience music festivals that are mostly the same - where you copy and paste the same experience into a muddy field in California or a muddy field in England.

So I went out and bought Hard Again by Muddy Waters. That was a big learning curve. I listened to that album again and again and again. James Cotton was the harmonica player on that album.

It's not nice getting up at 6 am, when it's pitch black and you have to get in a van with 10 other lads, to go and work in a muddy building site in the winter, and not get home until 5.30 or 6.

Most of the catfish you find at the fish counter has been farmed. Though I usually prefer to buy and eat wild fish, farmed catfish taste cleaner, without the muddy taste of their wild relatives.

I remember myself, age five, sitting on a porch overlooking a very muddy road. The day was rainy. I was wearing rubber boots, yellow - no, not yellow, green - and for all I know, I'm still there.

I love early blues like Bessie Smith, Muddy Waters, and Howlin' Wolf. I listened to the way these people sang, and it was just beautiful - straight from the soul. That, for me, was an inspiration.

Only when you're in that ditch, lying there in the muddy runoff you've made of your life, gazing up at the peak you fell from, do you truly know how small you are and understand how tall you used to be.

My dad was very influential with the music he exposed me to. He was really into blues and folk, so he'd play me guys like Muddy Waters and T-Bone Walker and Richie Havens - a lot of very emotional players.

Woodstock - I didn't see anybody play, except when I was standing backstage waiting to go on, because it was so muddy. And the weather was so horrible, you literally couldn't get there except by helicopter.

It was Muddy Waters who took the Delta blues north to Chicago, electrified the sound, and changed the course of popular music as we know it. That's pretty much the judgment of history, and it is mine as well.

I'm sort of standing on T-Bone Walker's shoulders, Les Paul's shoulders, Lightnin' Hopkins' shoulders, Muddy Waters' shoulders, you know? And if I've inspired other people, I'm pleased. That pleases me greatly.

The First Amendment is the First Amendment for a reason - our most cherished right. But it often creates muddy and uncomfortable situations, ones that are the source of great drama and national self-reflection.

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