Eddie Murphy is a great entertainer.

Me and my mother, we both love Eddie Murphy.

I wear Johnston & Murphy, not penny loafers.

I'm obsessed with everything Ryan Murphy does.

Ryan Murphy is one of the best at creating universes.

We were big Saturday Night Live and Eddie Murphy fans.

My own son called me Eddie Murphy's brother once. Once.

I had all the intentions of being the next Eddie Murphy.

My favorite movie is 'Coming to America' by Eddie Murphy.

I would do anything for Ryan Murphy, absolutely anything.

Eddie Murphy is to comedians what Nicki Minaj is to Spanx.

I thought, 'Who is the first vampire ever? It's Peter Murphy!'

I loved working on 'Murphy Brown,' and I loved working on 'Monk.'

I want to be in 'Funny Girl.' And I want Ryan Murphy to direct it.

Murphy's Law, that brash proletarian restatement of Godel's Theorem.

I mean everyone, from Al Pacino to Murphy Guyer, are phenomenal actors.

As Richard Pryor was to Eddie Murphy, that's what Kurt Vonnegut was to me.

Ryan Murphy's a brilliant director to work with who's very fun and creative.

I can't imagine Joe DiMaggio was a better all-around player than Dale Murphy.

I've got two chocolate labradors, Murphy and Dexter. They're like my children.

I like Louis C.K., Chris Rock. Old schools like Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy.

My must-have hair products are Phyto silk spray and Kusco-Murphy setting lotion.

Life is precious, fragile, fleeting - and Murphy's life was one of my favorites.

Ryan Murphy is a genius. In terms of television, very few have been as prolific.

Eddie Murphy was the Michael Jordan of comedy. He had a full range of abilities.

It is an honor and a privilege that I am to be the sponsor of the USS Michael Murphy.

The black comedians meeting? Oh yeah, we hold one every year at Eddie Murphy's house.

One day, I brought home Eddie Murphy's 'Raw', and Dad and I would watch that together.

I did an episode of The Profiler. I actually worked on the last episode of Murphy Brown.

Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, Dava Carvey, Eddie Murphy, Will Ferrell - they're all the best.

On 'Shrek,' Eddie Murphy was locked in as the donkey before we'd even designed the donkey.

I told my agent that I wouldn't do TV unless it was Ryan Murphy, 'House of Cards,' or HBO.

Ryan Murphy's 'Hollywood,' about the beginnings of the film industry, made me laugh and cry.

I remember watching Eddie Murphy's stand-up act when I was little, and just being mesmerized.

Ryan Murphy and I share our love of horror and musicals. I think those things somehow go together.

Art should be witty, like a good Eddie Murphy movie, to make your life a little easier and better.

It's so crazy to work with Ryan Murphy and then work in the David Fincher world with Robin Wright.

'205' should be called 'Buddy Murphy Live.' The championship is on my shoulder, and so is the show.

Where is your unit?" Murphy asked. I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Right where it's always been, dollface.

Pansy," Murphy sneered. Thomas leered at her. "You make my stamen tingle when you talk like that, Sergeant.

Cool is the enemy of funny. You can't be cool and be funny at the same time. Only Eddie Murphy could do that.

I did a one-off episode of 'The New Normal' for Ryan Murphy, and that was the first time I played a gay role.

'Scream Queens' was a big, sensational show. There's nothing subtle about a Ryan Murphy show, and I love that.

I was signed to a record label at the same time as my friend Elliot Murphy, who makes great records to this day.

My name is Charlie Murphy. I was born into this name, and I've been rolling how I've been rolling my whole life.

I'm not the comic innovator that Bill Murray and Eddie Murphy are. I can't just come out with an incredible line.

If I could work with Eddie Murphy on 'SNL,' I think I could quit comedy forever. For me and my generation, he's God.

On the comedy side of what I love as a filmmaker are Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, and Eddie Murphy; those are my favorites.

If I traveled to the end of the rainbow as Dame Fortune did intend, Murphy would be there to tell me the pot's at the other end.

At the end of the day, when Charlie Murphy ain't here no more, I'll have a body of work that people can laugh and remember me by.

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