A lot of labels are hiring a lot more accountants than people that know music.

A Beethoven symphony should be rehearsed like chamber music, only for a lot more people.

I think the '70s was a much healthier period for music because people were more innovative and creative.

I sense people respond more to the honest approach to making music instead of the manufactured approach.

I would say that I'm more than just a teeny-bopper artist... that my music can appeal to people of all ages.

In rock music, people have certain assumptions that it makes people more enlightened, and it really doesn't.

I wasted the 1980s. I wasted every minute at Cambridge talking to people who knew more about music than I did.

The American Music Awards mean more to us; that's a people's award, and we're a people's band. The Grammys are the critics.

As people's lifestyles have improved, they've become more and more sensitive toward animals. It's becoming a universal value, like Western classical music.

My general take on American music since 1969 is that it's just getting stiffer and people are getting more uptight - audience, performance, and palace guard.

When you get to readin' about where the music and John Steinbeck and all those people like that come from, the further you go the more interesting it becomes.

People don't buy CDs so much anymore because it's easy to download everything. So, while the record industry is declining, the music is heard a lot more than before.

As music became more profitable in the 1990s, it seemed like it attracted a lot of people who were just interested in the financial aspect of it, which is depressing.

The Rolling Stones are much more accomplished than Jefferson Airplane, who are more like tribal people. That is, they present something which exists: The music and the hippie.

Taking employment out of the country - now that's taking away jobs. These shows employ a lot of people: production, post-production, music supervisors, camera people. A hundred people or more.

Readings are more like weaving a tapestry. Possibly people are getting a cathartic release - but music is physical. Music pummels you. It's got a beat; it's loud. Whereas this is more cerebral.

This music has been around since before the beard on Moses. I happed to do it very well and I happen to have a lot of groovy songs that I know people are going to dig. I know more about it than you do.

It's a little bit more like I want to give this to the people that are really into it first - I don't have a lot of desire to be like Bon Jovi or something like that, I really want to concentrate on the music.

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