I think musically.

My films are musically inclined.

Musically, my palette is eclectic.

I know I'm not musically talented.

It's fun to move people musically.

I love stretching myself musically.

I never compromised myself musically.

There's nothing I can't do musically.

My family was always musically inclined.

Musically, I always wanted to experiment.

I try to tell a story musically in a song.

I am frozen musically somewhere around 2004.

I'm lyrically driven, I'm not musically driven.

The first time I performed musically, I threw up.

I feel like I'm musically free to do what I want.

What I really like doing is taking risks, musically.

Right now, musically I'm inspired by everyday people.

I've never wanted to be put into a box, not musically.

I always feel like the past informs my present musically.

I just don't write musically, but lyrically, yeah I write.

I really haven't strayed too far, musically, from my roots.

I always want to keep moving musically and trying new things.

You can't help but have ideas when you're inspired musically.

Twenty-fourteen is all about growth musically and new agendas.

San Diego is where I really started to get my legs, musically.

Everybody on our cast is very musically talented, except for me.

Reuniting with my brothers musically has been really incredible.

I'm always going to be experimenting musically, trying new things.

The whole slacker generation totally didn't apply to us musically.

I took a lot of time to open myself up to taking chances musically.

I want to stay away from trends and do what we want to do musically.

You learn a lot about each other from a tour, musically and humanly.

Musically, I'm always inspired by the legends like Barbra Streisand.

I want to be Kanye and do what he does musically. I'm very fearless.

With our first two records we backed ourselves into a hole musically.

I have such a wide variety of tastes in things that I like musically.

The Beatles were raw musically, but I think they really had something.

You know, I'm really not that competent at describing things musically.

I'm a little musically inclined; I play the clarinet and the saxophone.

I'm always doing something musically - when I'm working or when I'm off.

Nothing I'm doing musically is revolutionary in any way, shape, or form.

Chick Corea was a great influence on me, musically, as I was growing up.

I go deep into the script and speak the language of the film, musically.

I'm not a total chump. I write stuff that's reasonably musically complex.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. I wouldn't say musically, though.

Amalgamation is a good word that I like to use - musically and in every way.

I can experiment, I can be honest, and honestly, musically, I can't be touched.

Musically, I'm a huge fan of Stephen Sondheim, and I love, love 'Sweeney Todd.'

I think every artist would love to just please themselves musically all day long.

I'm very ambitious, musically - I want to create great things, not mediocre work.

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