Improving, for me, is quite natural as I'm always critical of myself.

I always like to play. It is useful for me; I know how to regulate myself.

I don't find myself lobbying for projects. Filmmakers almost always come to me.

But I always see myself as the filmmaker. I wonder if everybody else sees me more as an actor.

I always thought that if record companies didn't understand me, fine - I'd go and do it by myself.

When I pictured myself in the NBA, I always imagined myself with an older guy taking me under his wing.

I always thought of myself as a kind of literary bureaucrat. And that was never going to be enough for me.

For me, it's always been about continually challenging myself and continually figuring out how to go down the hill faster.

I'll admit, I'm not very skilled with applying makeup, myself, and the natural approach has always worked for me just fine.

I always saw myself as a singer-songwriter, a solo-artist, that's why working with other artists was never satisfying for me.

I've always studied our empires to empower myself, you know, and to have ammunition against anybody who could try to put me down.

The one thing I always say to myself is I want to make sure that when a team invests in me that they get their investment's worth.

I always ask myself, would I want someone to do something that wasn't comfortable for them just to please me? And the answer is no.

For me, I've always told myself, 'I can only do me in the ring.' When I go out there and perform, I can only do what Sasha Banks can do.

You can sit there and punch me in the head for three minutes straight, but I'm gonna figure it out. I always do. I just know that about myself.

When somebody asks me who I'm wearing, I always see myself with a BabyBjoern, carrying a little tiny Karl Lagerfeld, like, 'I'm wearing Chanel.'

You know, for years I used to read about myself. They'd say, 'He has a temper' or 'He's a bully' or something like that, and it always bothered me.

I've always liked my clothes, even before I could properly afford them. Clothes for me were never a cloak, a cover. They were how I chose to express myself.

For me myself, I feel it's always interesting gathering data. I have my team who do that. I think they feed me through specific things that I might find valuable.

I always wanted to do NBA Cares but they didn't want me to represent the league. I just did Matt Cares instead. I went to Africa by myself to do camps and clinics.

I've always been the guy that loved being scared or loved having pressure on me, because I always wanted to prove myself wrong and always wanted to prove that I could do it.

It's always frustrated me when I've seen other players able to smack balls over the bowler's head and stuff like that. I can't, though. When I've tried I've let myself down.

I'd always loved watching YouTube videos, and that's what inspired me to make them myself. Initially I was drawn to makeup tutorials - I learned everything I know about makeup from YouTube.

I always want to set myself a challenge by doing something no-one would expect me to do! But, having said that, I don't feel as a musician you can steer too far away from what you normally do.

My friends kidded me about going so far on such modest talent. I always agreed with them. I had no illusions about my films, nor did I consider myself anything special as an actor or a singer.

Musically, I always allow myself to jump off of cliffs. At least that's what it feels like to me. Whether that's what it actually sounds like might depend on what the listener brings to the songs.

There are times when I'm under the weather and the corporate machine tries to put me in the recording booth anyway. It's always up to me to say, 'Guys, listen to me, listen to what I sound like. I'm not myself.'

I grew up in Orange County, without a team. I never affiliated myself with the Chargers, south of me, or the Raiders, north of me. I've always followed the Dallas Cowboys. I've been a huge fan since the early '90s.

I suppose I'm always trying to break down the wall between my characters and myself. I'm trying to make the film as expressive and personal as I can, even if I can't explain, for example, how important it is for me to be Jewish.

I just always wanted to study human behavior because every psychologist that I would talk to would tell me I was bipolar, and I know I'm not bipolar, so I had to perform a psychoanalysis on myself to find out that I have unresolved grief.

I take my dog, Fideo, out for a hike in Runyon Canyon three times a week. It's about 45 minutes round-trip with a variation of super steep hills and flat areas. He's always running ahead, which helps me push myself, especially up the hills.

I always knew I wanted to go to NIDA. I think I was very fortunate, and I do doubt myself often, but I didn't see any possibility of me not going to NIDA. I believed in myself, and I believed that, if you really do want something, you get it.

I was never a big guy in pubs. I was never the main kind of aggressor or anything like that, but I found myself in trouble because I always had a mouth that would come back with something, and there was just never anyone who could make me be quiet.

What I do is I basically make records to please myself first and foremost, and so one of the most important things for me as a musician and a writer and a producer is to feel like there's always a sense of evolution and reinvention with each record.

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