I think 'genius' is an overused word.

My favourite chord? Bb6th with added 9th.

We live in a world dominated by fear and paranoia.

You will hear ambient in our music. You will hear trip-hop.

When I did 'Hand Cannot Erase,' I didn't have a specific singer in mind.

It's possible that Israel will be my second home, but it won't be my only home.

I've always wanted to make some kind of music that was universally appreciated.

I think my fans are much more open-minded than some other bands' fan bases are.

I left school, and I went to work in a computer company. I was in my late teens.

I think most people can relate to the feeling of love spilling over into obsession.

I never claimed to be a generic artist, period. I never wanted to be a generic artist.

I have a thing for major 7ths. They've got a very mournful, nostalgic quality to them.

I've always been the sort of person who likes to look forward and live in the present.

I loved disco music, and I still count Donna Summer as one of my favorites of all time.

I never wanted us to be an exercise in nostalgia, living in the shadow of other artists.

The truth is I got rid of 100% of my vinyl in the '90s. All the vinyl I have is re-bought.

So many things influence me in one way or another. Some might be surprising, but that's OK.

I like artists that tend to be more interested in reinventing themselves, in experimenting.

The definition of an artist, for me, is someone who is quite selfish about their creativity.

There's always something special playing in your home country in front of your home audience.

Ever since I was a kid, I've always been interested in the poetry of melancholy, if you like.

I am a great believer that you should record more than you need and then use the absolute best.

In the mid- to late '70s, there was no one better than ABBA at writing and producing great pop.

The whole notion of an alternative truth is a paradox. How can you have an alternative to truth?

People have asked me about doing an autobiography, but I don't think my life is that interesting.

Being English, we're polite and reserved, we don't express our opinions; we're very private people.

It's a cliche that music rises above it all, and it's a cliche for a reason - it's very often true.

We lost the skyline We stepped right off the map Drifted into black space And let the clocks relapse.

I wanted people to say that our music sounds like Porcupine Tree, not that it sounds like King Crimson.

Pop shouldn't be a comfortable slipper. It should shock and surprise you and confront your expectations.

My autobiography would be 'Loves music, loves art, works hard, writes music, tours the world, makes records.'

It was a bit of fun. But of course like anything that starts as a joke, people started to take it all seriously!

It's always lovely to discover that the people that you kind of look up to are actually very down-to-earth people.

You've got a lot pulling at your time already - which may be the best reason to start cultivating your green thumb.

My first love is making records, and whatever's necessary in order for me to achieve that, I'll learn how to do it.

My fifth record is, in many ways, inspired by the hugely ambitious progressive pop records that I loved in my youth.

I think the rock audience still likes to have a physical product. The demand for owning a physical copy is still there.

Jazz drummers traditionally are not always prepared to just hold down the beat; it's like they're soloing the whole time.

We are living in dystopia, in a world that is dominated by technology and disconnect, alienation, loneliness, and dysfunction.

I'm not one of those guys who can just take a guitar into a room and come out with a song. I need all my instruments dotted around.

Porcupine Tree is a band, and it's not up to me where the band goes - it's between the manager, our agent, and the band as a whole.

It's one thing to fail with something you utterly believe in, but to fail with something you don't believe in? You just feel so sordid.

My musical tastes are very diverse. I just never felt like listening to certain kinds of bands. There's too much great stuff out there.

It's too easy now to find music, and it's therefore too easy to dismiss music, particularly music that doesn't hit you the first time you hear it.

That's what made me fall in love with music in the first place was the idea of being able to take listeners on a journey across forty or sixty minutes.

I think anybody who likes Cardiacs, they tend to be quite evangelistic about them for obvious reasons. They're not a band you can be on the fence about.

Pink Floyd, the most successful progressive rock band of all time, have stood the test of time because the emphasis was always on melody and atmosphere.

I think there's something very peculiar about living in the city and not part of the major metropolis; that actually makes it remarkably easy to disappear.

I grew up listening to a lot of very smart pop records by artists like Kate Bush, Talk Talk, Peter Gabriel, Prince, Depeche Mode, Tears for Fears, The The.

There are certain topics that I've come back to time and again throughout my career. On 'To the Bone,' there are certain subjects I have touched on before.

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