I see myself as an educator.

I see myself as a traveller.

I see myself as an entertainer.

I see myself as extremely lucky.

I see myself as an arbiter of taste.

I see myself as a witness to humanity.

I see myself as a conscious capitalist.

I see myself as a recovering journalist.

I see myself as a climber and an activist.

Frankly, I see myself as a bit of a clown.

I see myself as Rhoda, not Mary Tyler Moore.

I see myself as 38, but you don't notice it.

I see myself as the godfather of the streets.

I see myself as a transient, not an immigrant.

In therapy, I see myself in the mirror differently.

I see similarities between Jackie Robinson and myself.

I see myself as a player for whom there are no limits.

I see myself as a roving mosquito, choosing it's target.

I see myself starring in and producing major feature films.

I see myself at 7:30 in the morning and it's not too pretty.

I'm a chameleon, so changeable. I see myself as a gadfly and a questioner.

I was being categorized as some kind of twangy songwriter. And that's just not how I see myself.

The beth din is the court of the chief rabbi. I see myself taking an active role within the beth din.

I see myself maybe being, like, a movie producer or screenwriter or a novelist or a scientist or mathematician.

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