I always loved bands with mystique.

I think it's important to have mystique.

As soon as you start talking about mystique, you have none.

Celebrities, movie stars and rock stars are losing their mystique.

I almost think there's a mystique to not knowing everything about me.

I like to keep some things secret. Otherwise, there's no mystique about you.

Movie stars need to retain some of that mystique if you are a big movie star.

There's no mystique to acting. It's only common sense - and a bit of courage.

The feminine mystique has succeeded in burying millions of American women alive.

To be honest, I miss the old Hollywood way of having some mystique about the star.

Mystique is rare now, isn't it? There aren't that many enigmas in this modern world.

I happen to dig being able to use whatever mystique I have to further the idea of peace.

I think we Southerners have talked a fair amount of malarkey about the mystique of being Southern.

A perfume is more than an extract it is a presence in abstraction. A perfume, for me, is a mystique.

With Led Zeppelin, it has always been that mystique of how the music is done - how it works, why it works.

Maybe there should be less of a mystique around making movies. I just don't think that there's any real mystery there.

The poet's spoken discourse often depends on a mystique, on the spiritual freedom that finds itself enslaved on earth.

What made 'Dark Side Of The Moon' so great is some of the mystique and where it was coming from and just the authenticity of it.

It's fun to look at people that are so good at acting that aren't actors, like David Bowie creating a mystique about rock n' roll.

I've always jealously guarded my feminine mystique. I've been married twice, and neither of my husbands has ever seen me put my face on.

Some people are really good at playing the movie star - they are really good at cultivating that mystique - but I'm not really into that.

People think that as a celebrity, you have to have this sort of mystique about you, but I'm probably the realest person you'll ever meet.

'The Feminine Mystique' goads me to gratitude that, thanks to forerunners like Betty Friedan, I've had the opportunity to pursue a career.

There is an element of mystique to radio, and I often listen to cricket commentary on radio, especially when one is stuck in a traffic jam.

Don't ask me to explain a mystique. I'm just enjoying all this while it lasts. I'm basically doing the same thing I was doing 20 years ago.

Being an opponent playing in Boston over the years, you always see guys in the stands who played for the Celtics. It's a mystique. It's cool.

Unfortunately, most actors want to play off their own personal mystique and good looks and whatever, but that will only carry you but so far.

If I had the opportunity to fight any fighter, if you'd asked me when I started fighting, it would be Fedor. That aura and mystique about him.

There should be an element of mystique between the fans and the artist. That bit between the stage and the audience. I think that's necessary.

Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but black and white films still hold an affectionate place in my heart; they have an incomparable mystique and mood.

If you've got Mystique as your girlfriend the fun you could have in bed - I've just imagined X-Men 3 might open with me in bed with Patrick Stewart.

I'm from New Orleans. There's a lot of vampire mystique and mythology that resonates there, and I was fascinated by it. I always wanted to play one.

I wanted to be the most famous. And it wasn't until I hung out with Justin Bieber that the whole thing got demystified. The mystique of it was gone.

When I was young, my parents made me listen to old music and watch Jimmy Durante. I fell in love with the whole mystique of acting and entertainment.

The mystique associated with the bomb, the role that scientists played in it, and its general importance could not fail to impress even a six-year old.

Luke James has this mystique about him that's not something you can explain; you can only experience it. He's got a whole D'Angelo feel to him as well.

Initially after 'Sherlock,' I got offered a lot of swinger movies. There is that thing of keeping your mystique and not taking your clothes off in every job.

It's hard for me to talk about a legacy or a mystique. It's my family. The fact that there have been difficulties and hardships, or obstacles, makes us closer.

In retrospect, we could see that the 1950s had been a reactionary period in America of Eisenhower blandness, of virulent anticommunism, of the 'Feminine Mystique.'

I've always liked shape-shifter characters. I gravitated towards characters like Mystique from 'X-Men,' Zam Wesell from 'Star Wars,' and Tonks from 'Harry Potter.'

I was 15 when I first read 'The Feminine Mystique,' locked in my bedroom, probably wearing black, groping for any ideas I could find on how not to become my mother.

Being a producer, I deal with a lot of different directors, and some of them would drive me insane with all the different histrionics, and the mystique that they carry.

If I welcomed people into my lovely home every week in the pages of a magazine, they'd soon see how incredibly dull it is. It's important to maintain a bit of mystique.

You know there's this really strange mystique about Simon and Garfunkel, when they use the amazing mandolin and all the percussive stuff. It sometimes sounds very global.

My entire career stands on the strong pillars of women-oriented films. This stems from the fact that I am sensitive to the entire aura and mystique of a woman and womanhood.

Men weren't really the enemy - they were fellow victims suffering from an outmoded masculine mystique that made them feel unnecessarily inadequate when there were no bears to kill.

For me, and most of the other players, too, if you had to pick one of the four Grand Slams, you would pick Wimbledon. It's got tradition, it's got atmosphere, and it's got mystique.

Television has an awful lot to do with the Kennedy mystique and the fact that he's frozen in people's minds at the age of 46, and he was handsome and personable and witty and charming.

People feel so much more comfortable bullying behind a screen than in person. It gives them a mystique and makes them say things that they would never be strong enough to say in person.

And I'm hoping that over the next 20, 50 years, whatever, the mystique of television and film and all that will diminish somewhat, and people will leave us alone to get on with our jobs.

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