I do love mythology.

We're separated by our myths.

Religon is misunderstood mythology

I am inspired by Indian mythology.

I loved all the world's mythologies.

I like mythology - anything historical.

I'm very at home working with mythology.

Love cannot live where there is no trust.

There's never been a 'girl wonder' mythology.

Science surpasses the old miracles of mythology.

Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.

An entire mythology is stored within our language.

Artists don't make objects. Artists make mythologies.

Without a mythology, faith is impersonal and heartless.

When I was in middle school, I loved Egyptian mythology.

Companies often become victims of their own mythologies.

I have built my world through Native American mythology.

A culture without mythology is not really a civilisation.

For a little while, maybe I did fall for my own mythology.

I didn't study Greek mythology in school and I wish I had.

I had been a college teacher. I had taught Greek mythology.

Mythology works... because Indians have been bred on myths.

He who has no sympathy with myths has no sympathy with men.

The whole history of baseball has the quality of mythology.

I love Greek mythology, I love gladiators, I love war stuff.

Mythology can be defined as the sacred history of humankind.

Today's religions are nothing but the long-lived mythologies!

Fact-checking can wreak havoc on Chinese political mythology.

Mythology is a vast body of knowledge that has not been tapped.

One may as well preach a respectable mythology as anything else.

I know, too, that death is the only god who comes when you call.

Myths are fun, as long as you don't confuse them with the truth.

Mythology is the mother of religions, and grandmother of history.

I love Westerns. They're a unique creation of American mythology.

Nature, or the world, or reality, is what mythology is all about.

I'm fascinated by almost any mythology that I can get my hands on.

'Star Wars' was the mythology of my youth. I longed for adventure.

Mythologies become exhausting burdens, from a writer's perspective.

I'm fascinated by almost any mythology that I can get my hands on...

In general, I have a lot of issues with the mythology of the founder.

Many of us view the bible and other religious teachings as mythology.

I love Norse mythology - Thor and Odin and Loki - amazing characters.

Even befor doing this film, I've always been interested in mythology.

One must not believe any of those mythologies about oneself as an artist

I started studying mythology, just on my own. Joseph Campbell, mysticism.

I'm such a geek, I know all about mythology and I don't know Marc Jacobs.

Mythology is studied in the school system because most of us come from it.

Strangely enough, there's this mythology sprouting out that I cannot stop.

I wanted to make a kids' film that would strengthen contemporary mythology.

Mythology is a subjective truth. Every culture imagines life a certain way.

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