One can get used to ugliness, but never to negligence.

A State can sue for negligence as well as fraud damages.

Gross negligence in handling national security is a felony.

In persons grafted in a serious trust, Negligence is a crime.

That loss is most discreditable which is caused by negligence.

Negligence is the rust of the soul, that corrodes through all her best resolves.

We will be guilty of criminal negligence, without extenuation, if we permit future famines.

There are not the weeds the ones that drown the good seed, but the negligence of the peasant.

The incompetence regarding body and vehicle armor rises almost to a level of criminal negligence.

At what point in time can our government fire someone whose gross negligence left four Americans dead in Benghazi?

If a person is seriously injured as a result of someone else's negligence, then they are entitled to compensation.

A great proportion of the wretchedness which has embittered married life, has originated in a negligence of trifles.

Success produces confidence; confidence relaxes industry, and negligence ruins the reputation which accuracy had raised.

The "I" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable.

Gross negligence cannot possibly have intent because it cancels it out. If you're grossly negligent, intent's not a factor, you are or you aren't.

Ineptitude and negligence directed British policies in India more than any cynical desire to divide and rule, but the British were not above exploiting rivalries.

In the lead up to the Iraq war and its later conduct, I saw at a minimum, true dereliction, negligence and irresponsibility, at worse, lying, incompetence and corruption.

If we're serious about our kids having a livable world, building fossil fuel infrastructure in 2018 is a sign of deep negligence, which is the kindest thing I can say about it.

We need the compassion and the courage to change the conditions that support our suffering. Those conditions are things like ignorance, bitterness, negligence, clinging, and holding on.

The real and effectual discipline which is exercised over a workman is that of his customers. It is the fear of losing their employment which restrains his frauds and corrects his negligence.

Patients who have suffered appalling medical negligence, abused children ignored by social services, mistreated residents of care homes - they have all been given a voice by the Human Rights Act.

The first definition of gross negligence that comes up when you take out the legal dictionary is being extremely careless. The minute you say someone is extremely careless you are saying they're grossly negligent.

Being made to feel like an irrelevant child was probably an asset. Benign negligence is not a bad parental attitude or at least a cross between a benevolent dictator and benign negligence - you should just let kids crack on with it.

You had to have a unanimous jury verdict, and one percent of contributory negligence barred all recovery. It was so satisfying to realize I could do it. And I'll tell you what motivated me: competitiveness. I was betting on me. That's what a contingent-fee lawyer does.

Candidate Obama was either exceptionally naive or willfully disingenuous when he vowed to change the way Washington works. The very promise of Hope and Change was rooted in uprooting the Washington modus operandi. But instead of rejecting it, he embraced it all - the secrecy, the closed doors, the political favors, the near-criminal negligence.

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