I never dated much in high school or college.

I never went to college - I barely got out of high school.

I had never attended high school, but I was fairly well read.

I never went to any high school dances or proms unless I was playing in them.

I didn't even graduate from high school. I've never told anybody that before. I got my degree later, when I was in the army.

I never went to a high school prom. I went to a junior high prom, but I never had the high school prom. It was all fake and on TV.

You can never rely on musicians. I quit high school at one point to make a go of it with this band and we kept breaking up. So I went back to school.

To be very honest, I never thought I would graduate from high school. I got very lucky to get into an alternative high school, which really saved my butt.

Though I was into modeling and extracurricular activities in my school days at C.G. High School in Mumbai, I never thought of making it big someday in a film-industry.

I went to Willoughby Girls High, I finished my high school certificate and then I did shorthand and typing the next year. Then started travelling and never used it since.

The book is called 'Most Talkative,' because I was voted most talkative in high school. And I've never stopped talking. My mouth has been my greatest asset and my biggest Achilles' heel.

I was obsessed with being popular in high school and never achieved it. There's photos from our high school musicals, and I'm comically in the deep background, wearing a beggar's costume.

I never did pageants as a kid, but when I got into high school, I did a couple that were tied to a sort of all-around academic student achievement program, something akin to Junior Miss, but not Junior Miss.

I had never dreamed about the NBA like some guys did. I was a non-scholarship player at an NAIA college. I played on the Boys and Girls Club team in my freshman and sophomore years of high school before I made the high school team. I was our backup center in college.

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