Virtue alone is true nobility.

Virtue is the truest nobility.

There's no nobility in poverty.

Noblest minds are easiest bent.

True nobility is exempt from fear.

Let a man nobly live or nobly die.

Idleness is an appendix to nobility.

Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.

There is no nobility with bad manners.

Piety, like nobility, has its aristocracy.

Be noble in every thought And in every deed!

There is a nobility in the world of manners.

Nobility of birth commonly abateth industry.

Nobility should be elective, not hereditary.

The army is the true nobility of our country.

Better not to be at all Than not to be noble.

Today nobility is gone: there is only a peerage.

There's nobility in hard work, traditional values.

A wild, untamed youth learns nobility through art.

There is a shabby nobility in failing all by yourself.

To be nobly wrong is more manly than to be meanly right.

Put more trust in nobility of character than in an oath.

Nobility, without virtue, is a fine setting without a gem

The noblest character is stained by the addition of pride.

Nobility, without virtue, is a fine setting without a gem.

A man's worth depends upon the nobility of his aspirations.

Adversity often hatches out the true nobility of character.

What is madness but nobility of soul at odds with circumstance.

All nobility in its beginnings was somebody's natural superiority.

Real nobility is based on scorn, courage, and profound indifference.

A noble person attracts noble people, and knows how to hold on to them.

Every gift of noble origin Is breathed upon by Hope's perpetual breath.

O lady, nobility is thine, and thy form is the reflection of thy nature!

We have nobility in Sweden, and it comes from the old British aristocracy.

The German people is not marked by original sin, but by original nobility.

He who looks for advantage out of friendship strips it all of its nobility.

I wanted to be Katharine Hepburn-ish - there was a bit of nobility about her.

A noble soul alone can noble souls attract; And knows alone, as ye, to hold them.

The nobility of a human being is strictly independent of that of his convictions.

We hunger for nobility: the rare words and acts that harmonize simplicity and truth.

Virtue is the only and true nobility. [Lat., Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus.]

The true nature of man left to himself without restraint is not nobility but savagery.

Base men being in love have then a nobility in their natures more than is native to them.

I was no Marie Antoinette. I was not born to nobility, but I had a human right to nobility.

It shows nobility to be willing to increase your debt to a man to whom you already owe much.

I always felt there was some kind of nobility centered in my desire and passion for what I do.

Everyone has something that blocks us from the full experience and expression of our nobility.

Life ought to be a struggle of desire toward adventures whose nobility will fertilize the soul.

Even in poverty I lived like a king for I tell you that nobility is the thing that makes a king

We are not princes of the earth, we are the descendants of worms, and any nobility must be earned.

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