It was amazing that I was ever elected.

Northern Ireland has treated me well, you know?

A person from Northern Ireland is naturally cautious.

The people of Northern Ireland have sorted out my whole life.

Anyone born and bred in Northern Ireland can't be too optimistic.

Jonny Evans plays sort of international football with Northern Ireland

John Irwin became one of the greatest peace workers in Northern Ireland.

In Northern Ireland, helicopters are not usually used to promote poetry.

Much is said about English severity, but not a word about Irish provocation.

Queen's University flies the flag for the arts in Northern Ireland and beyond.

But if I ever fight in Northern Ireland again, I want it to be at Windsor Park.

We really need to come behind and press for marriage equality in Northern Ireland.

I was born in Northern Ireland, also known as Ulster, and I'm Scots-Irish, therefore.

We dont vote in Northern Ireland for what we want, we vote against what we dont want.

No-one wants to see a return to the hard border between Northern Ireland and Ireland.

The pursuit of an extreme Brexit cannot come at the cost of peace in Northern Ireland.

It's strange coming back to Northern Ireland, but it feels like a home away from home.

I think a lot of us who grew up in Northern Ireland weren't politicised enough, frankly.

I was born in Northern Ireland in 1951. I lived most of my life there until 1986 or 1987

I was born in Northern Ireland in 1951. I lived most of my life there until 1986 or 1987.

Barney was interested in bringing professional boxing back to Northern Ireland in a big way.

We would only need a bespoke solution for Northern Ireland if Britain leaves the Single Market.

They want to derail peace because they want to plunge Northern Ireland back into armed conflict.

Northern Ireland is part of Ireland, not Britain, as can clearly be seen from aerial photographs.

I believe that Northern Ireland has come to a time of peace, a time when hate will no longer rule.

I've got my roots in Northern Ireland - my biological father's side of the family were from Belfast.

I loved my time growing up in Northern Ireland doing youth drama, that is where it all began for me.

People in Northern Ireland vote for their church, they don't vote with their heads; it is ridiculous.

As a guy from Northern Ireland who supported Celtic and worked in football, I'm living my dream here.

It's a complicated relationship with the place one grows up in, particularly if it's Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland isn't actually part of Great Britain, but we still want it to be part of 'Sofa Watch.'

'Game of Thrones' was a game-changer for Northern Ireland. There's going to be a massive gap when it goes.

If Northern Ireland had better weather, it would be like New Zealand. It's an immensely beautiful country.

We used to spend a lot of time as kids in Northern Ireland, on the border and in southern Ireland as well.

It's Northern Ireland, it's Ireland, it's Scotland, it's Wales, there's Scousers, Londoners, all behind me.

You know, the pessimism which exists now in the Middle East existed in Northern Ireland, but we stayed at it.

Northern Ireland, England, Scotland - when we play each other, you don't want to lose to a neighbouring country.

I'm involved in Northern Ireland Screen and have been for a long time, so I keep my eyes open and ears to the ground.

In Northern Ireland, I truly, effortlessly, knew who I was. I knew where I belonged. I felt completely and utterly secure.

It was easy for some to jump on the Brexit result and use it to make a land-grab for Northern Ireland, and it was counterproductive.

I was one of the many kids in Northern Ireland who grew up in the countryside and had an idyllic childhood well away from the Troubles.

There is not a single injustice in Northern Ireland that is worth the loss of a single British soldier or a single Irish citizen either.

The need for peace in Northern Ireland goes well beyond political stability. It now speaks to regional Europe and even global stability.

Ever since I left Northern Ireland, I've always been pretty comfortable on my own, which contradicts a lot of people's perceptions of me.

It's an extraordinary thing, this tiny little province of Northern Ireland, where carnage happened. And I was part of it. I grew up in it.

We are the Conservative and Unionist party. No Conservative would do anything to harm the union, and that crucially includes Northern Ireland.

My grandfather was a Russian-Jewish immigrant who lived in Northern Ireland and apparently when he sang in the synagogue he made everyone cry.

Men, once enemies, are now jointly governing in Northern Ireland. And although there have been several hitches, by and large it's working well.

Loyalism, or Unionism, or Protestantism, or whatever you want to call it, in Northern Ireland - it operates not as a class system, but a caste system.

I believe we've spent many years trying to bring about talks which have all the Parties in Northern Ireland involved so that there'd be inclusive talks.

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