I own 'The New York Observer.'

The value of art is in the observer.

I like to think of myself as an observer.

I've always been a keen observer of people.

I've always been quiet, more of an observer.

I'm not a good observer. I'm not proud of it.

Every 'Observer' writer wants to be a novelist.

I have been a close observer of campaign trends.

A husband without faults is a dangerous observer.

I'm an observer - a watcher of movies my whole life.

The detached observer's view is one window on the world.

I think my sister loves being an observer more than I do.

I have always been a very visual person and a keen observer.

I'm very much an observer and a conduit of thoughts and ideas.

I was a close observer of the developments in molecular biology.

I'm definitely an observer of human behavior. I always have been.

A fair observer only has to ask: If there is violence, who profits?

That is a secondary teacher conception - the writer as an observer.

You can say I give you this information as a dispassionate observer.

General Custer was a close observer and student of personal character.

I think I was just born like that, a personality trait. I'm an observer.

There's no way to remove the observer - us - from our perceptions of the world.

As journalists, because you don't carry a gun, you sort of become this observer.

The scientific observer of Nature is a kind of mystic seeker in the act of prayer.

I guess I'm a very keen observer, and I'd like to think I have a good imagination.

Being a good observer is a great tool to have as a writer, just taking the world in.

The one thing I'll say is I was a quiet kid. Much more of an observer than a performer.

I am a committed observer. I like staying in the background and seeing what's going on.

I'm just an observer of Java, and where Microsoft wants to go with C# is too early to tell.

I am a keen observer of my own films; I also try to discover myself through the movies I make.

My life revolves around music and always will. I need to be a part of music and not an observer.

If there was an observer on Mars, they would probably be amazed that we have survived this long.

I think I'm a bit like Ishmael in 'Moby Dick': a story teller and an observer in his own crisis.

I am an observer, I like to watch people. I am into psychology and people - how they act and such.

I get to pick so many things as an actor. Also, I'm a good observer of people and their mannerisms.

Politicians often say to me, 'Articles in the 'Observer' don't get me votes, but you get me money.'

I give infinite thanks to God, who has been pleased to make me the first observer of marvelous things.

While the 1980 book was being serialized in the Sunday Times, Charles attacked it through the Observer.

Who am I, really? I prefer to leave that up to the observer, because I will never finish answering that.

You've got to be an observer. And you've got to take time to listen to people, talk, to watch what they do.

You know, you become an artist, you become an observer, of life, and you digest life by making art about it.

I didn't go to school a full year until I was 11 or 12, so I lived in books. I really was an observer of life.

I'm a traveler and a vagabond and an observer, and the songs come through that. And that's just the way it's going to be.

I was always the observer, trying to understand what was going on. I was always the new kid. Writing became my safe place.

It is not possible to completely eliminate mediation between you as an observer and the history you are trying to understand.

What is called an acute knowledge of human nature is mostly nothing but the observer's own weaknesses reflected back from others.

CBS's Ed Murrow may have been over-celebrated as the principled observer for the masses, fair yet unafraid to take on the bullies.

I was an observer. I liked to listen rather than openly express myself. This trait is something that I've retained over the years.

The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the observer. We create our bodies as we create the experience of our world.

When I bought 'The New York Observer,' my experience in journalism was limited to a single article I had written for a college magazine.

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